
I just wanted to write a formal apology note to the every day fan that supports fighters at all costs. My McCorkle thread may have come off as somewhat arrogant, but the trolls and shit heads on this forum are out of control. These fucking idiots can't seem to understand that McCorkle knows how to cut a great promo for his fights in order to create hype. My god this single-mindedness. For you guys who say I lost you as a fan because of that thread, please understand that I was by no means trying to come off as a pig-headed douche. That thread was directed at the "Haters." I don't mind the hate though, at least you are letting off your steam on me, and not letting your frustration affect your " magic the gathering" pwnage of newbs. I think that's how you type it right?

Just forget it and move on.

If everyone on this forum had to make an apology thread for every stupid/questionable thing they've said there would just be page after page of apologies.

Very passive aggressive apology. Strange night on the UG indeed. Phone Post

Stinger22 - Are you sending this message from the VIP line or are already in the bar?

That's a low blow man. I've been standing in line all night, wanting to get in and rave. It sucks to suck at life :(

its all good tim, get me into the vip zone and you can hang with my girl and i will buy you a beer, the good kind!!

I can't get in anymore, not until I win at the MGM again.

quit acting like a star..you are not one..

 posting on this thread

I agree any one who puts there life into fighting and puts there body on the line deserves respect. If a "fan" can't give the professional fighters respect, then fighters should not worry about them. People are going to hate just because they want to be part of that fighters life, it's up to that fighter whether or not to let them have the control. Big fan Tim! Phone Post

How about an apology for leaving the fan expo so early today? My brother was so excited to see you and didn't get to. Phone Post

Aurum - Just forget it and move on.

If everyone on this forum had to make an apology thread for every stupid/questionable thing they've said there would just be page after page of apologies.

Says the voice of wisdom...

Lebron James made one questionable ESPN episode, and everyone talks about him like he's a serial pedophile.

He was a 25 year old high school graduate getting paid to play a ball game. How many 25 year olds are immature idiots that everyone has to castigate one guy because he's in the public eye?

You don't owe anyone an apology, hardcore sports fans are the bitchiest little girls

Apology not accepted because I don't think you needed to apologize.

You may have been a little arrogant and offended some Sherdog rejects and 4Chan fags but these assholes shouldn't be criticizing any fighters ... top ten or not, UFC or not, Go troll somewhere else you assholes

K Tub D - Apology not accepted because I don't think you needed to apologize.

You may have been a little arrogant and offended some Sherdog rejects and 4Chan fags but these assholes shouldn't be criticizing any fighters ... top ten or not, UFC or not, Go troll somewhere else you assholes


Lmao... Love this thread! VTFU and F the haters! Phone Post

 I understand the frustration, Tim, and I appreciate the thread.

Fact is, I have a lot of respect for all of you fighters. And for anyone who follows his dream, through blood and tears, thick and thin, and never gives up. Those of you who are tenacious, driven, and lucky enough to make it to the peak of your professions should be commended and emulated.

From a personal perspective, I can remember a time in my life when I was an angry young man. Frustrated with the way the world seemed to work. 4 years of college without an inkling of an idea of what I wanted to do and being told that my dream wasn't going to work out. Drinking and making nothing of my life. I joined the military and ended up sent to DLI, a language school, and being told that I was going to learn Arabic in a year to a such a comprehensive level that I'd be able to speak naturally for an hour without a hiccup. Problem was, only 20% of people passed the course, and if you got essentially a C on the final test, the military would reclass you to a completely different job and the whole year would be for nothing. I had weeks on end where I wouldn't do anything other than speaking with our native Arab teachers and study on my own. I had others around me laughing at the work I was putting in and trying to tear me down because to see me give up would validate their lack of effort. Misery loves company as the saying goes.

At the end, I was one of the few who passed, and that tenacity, drive, and focus springboarded my career in military intelligence and now I'm living my dream working for a defense contractor in DC.

I only tell that story to illustrate that this struggle -- the struggle between those who work, dream, sweat, and take chances, make mistakes, fall, and rise again -- exists all over the world across all walks of life.

There will always be those who are willing to push themselves to new levels, walk outside of their comfort zone, and strive to be the best at what they do. I try to ignore those who criticize and understand where they are coming from. They may not be happy or satisfied with where they are and who they want to be and are afraid to take that step into the unknown. It is easier to be a critic than a doer. I know; I was a harsh critic years ago. It takes a true person of moral character to press on despite these critics and to not let them derail him from his purpose.

Both you and Sean have worked hard to earn your way to the UFC and I can't underscore more the amount of respect I have for you both. The important thing now is that, instead of addressing those critics and comparing lives, it's time to acknowledge that they will be what they will be, and to move on, put your nose to the grindstone, focus your attention instead on those who support you, and continue to accomplish great things.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

- Theodore Roosevelt


I think everyone understands what you were saying, but the fact of the matter is:  fans are fans, they don't have to be reverent towards you guys.... they lend you whatever fleeting fortune or fame you may come across in this sport.

And as for McCorkle.... he did this to himself, apparently not realizing that he was using a double-edged sword in his fight hype.  The "trolls, haters, and shit heads" you were targeting butter McCorkle's bread.  They're the same guys that make his marketing strategy effective.  They're how his threads get to be 30+ pages long with thousands of views.  If it wasn't for them, that youtube shit wouldn't work.  He'd put a video up, and after about two dozen "War McCorkle!!!" posts... the shit would disappear.  It's great when you win, it sucks when you lose.  This is the business you have chosen, fucking deal with it.

The way you two value life, i.e. hot women crawling over you, getting into the VIP section, stuff like that, it's sad. You act as though that's what everybody wants, and it isn't. Somehow you guys were tricked into thinking that way, but not everyone is like that. Some of us are lawyers, doctors, soldiers, teachers, and many other professions where we've dedicated as much time, if not more, to our careers than you two have. The only difference is the type of fame you guys get. With that fame comes this very price, you guys get shit on when you fail as much as you get VIP passes and random women when you succeed.

To take this out on the fans, even if you are only addressing the haters, is unprofessional. You guys get a chance to make a living doing what you love because the fans are willing to pay to see what they love, you guys both winning and losing. If you can't accept that, maybe you should find another career and just train as a hobby.

Why the hate for Hague? He seems like a really cool guy and us an entertaining fighter. Phone Post

 Good Post Tim, thanks.

Kirik/Chris and I are getting some things in place to work on the " the trolls and shit heads on this forum are out of control"