Apparently Mayhem assaulted a reporter..

$100 bucks says it's Layzie. And honestly what Mayhem did was not assaulting him.

"If you follow me on Twitter, then you're well aware that yesterday, Mayhem Miller allegedly assaulted someone and there is video of it. The rumor is a member of the media 'set-up' the assault. I've talked to the person who was allegedly assaulted by Mayhem Miller and he plans on filing charges."

"Just heard a CRAZY story about Mayhem Miller allegedly assaulting someone about an hour ago and apparently there's footage of this."

"We're trying to get hold of the footage and put it on by the end of the night."

video is up on youtube it was Layzie.
look on RyanLoco's channel.

aKaBeasTTT - video is up on youtube it was Layzie.
look on RyanLoco's channel.

Yea I know lol. It's like they're trying to keep it a secret when we already know what happened.

loco's video just showed mayhem shoving layzie around, wonder what happened after since they cut the rest out.

 LOL@ that being assault. GTFO

Doesnt the dude make a living off of being choked/beaten by fighters? When it's someone who doesn't rep the 209, you press charges? GTFOH. Phone Post


Yea and he's apparently filing charges.

So Lazie shows up by himself being the "209" ass that he comes across as and is asked to leave.

Is Lazy and the rest of the 209 really that much of pussies?

Haha. What a bitch. Is that guy seriously pressing charges against Mayhem? Phone Post

Remind me to never throw someones hat off their head and shove them out the door. If this is true, the 209's reputation is forever tainted

Also let me state, that i'm assuming it's Layzie. But i'm also 99% sure it is Layzie.

MiddleEasy said that he assaulted a reporter, and then Mayhem had that scuffle with Layzie.

And this whole thing could just be sarcastic since MiddleEasy is a humorous website known for it's comedy, but you never know. We will only know until we hear an official word from MiddleEasy, Layzie, or Mayhem his self.

CRE - If charges are filed some people need to leave the UG forever

  "assualt".  Please.

Funny video though.

Tankhead -  Doesnt the dude make a living off of being choked/beaten by fighters? When it's someone who doesn't rep the 209, you press charges? GTFOH. Phone Post

 I think that's Aaron Tru.

Fuck with the 209... and you will get fucking SERVED!!!!

....with a subpeona.

Ah. Honest mistake. I know that lazy is a Diaz Bro. from another mother, if it was him that was "assaulted," he needs to have his hood pass revoked and be skipped on all the 209 smoke seshes. Phone Post

scouting prospects - IF thats the basis for the lawsuit, thats embarrassing

 Indeed...and if you genuinely felt you were assaulted, why go back inside and hang around near your "attacker."

CRE - If charges are filed some people need to leave the UG forever

CRE - If charges are filed some people need to leave the UG forever