Apparently the Aldo meme wasn’t a meme

Malvert the Janitor -

He's peaking! 


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oranos -


 looks like one of the Olson twins


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What meme is OP referring to?

Johnzandt -

He looks like an extra from The Wire

More like Schindler's List.

He's gonna get clean ko'd

If I'm being honest, I think he looks bad because we're used to seeing him at 145 and think that's what he should look like. If the first time we saw Conor was at 170, then we saw him on the scale making 155, we'd think he looked like shit too. Anytime someone's face looks thinner than we're used to, we assume they're about to die.

If none of us had ever seen Jose Aldo before and we saw that version walking around with no shirt on, we’d think he looked like a savage.

Johnzandt -

He looks like an extra from The Wire

Like someone who has food and drugs? No. Dude looks like hes wasting away in the movie thinner.

Rickmassmma - If I'm being honest, I think he looks bad because we're used to seeing him at 145 and think that's what he should look like. If the first time we saw Conor was at 170, then we saw him on the scale making 155, we'd think he looked like shit too. Anytime someone's face looks thinner than we're used to, we assume they're about to die.

If none of us had ever seen Jose Aldo before and we saw that version walking around with no shirt on, we’d think he looked like a savage.

Any doctor or trained athletic specialist will look at him and know that he will not be any where near his peak performance a day after weighing in. His game is not about finesse, it was about explosiveness and power strikes. Those will be severely compromised.


FFS, usually leading up to a fight, the opponent tells everyone how he is going to kick the other fighters ass. Here we have Marlon saying that Aldo is so dangerous and there’s nothing to worry about him. That alone should tell you something.

FatBuddha - looks like baby yoda aged 1000 years

So...regular Yoda?

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crudz -

where is the .gif from ?

It's so intreaging.

crudz -

What’s up with the youth?

Hate to see a legend whos put in so much work over the years in mma, have to cut weight like that, at this stage of his career.





Rickmassmma - If I'm being honest, I think he looks bad because we're used to seeing him at 145 and think that's what he should look like. If the first time we saw Conor was at 170, then we saw him on the scale making 155, we'd think he looked like shit too. Anytime someone's face looks thinner than we're used to, we assume they're about to die.

If none of us had ever seen Jose Aldo before and we saw that version walking around with no shirt on, we’d think he looked like a savage.

No. That is not normal or healthy.

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Aldo made weight. 136. Looked like death 

He looked no worse on the scale then he did the day before.

Jibbersbitch -

He looked no worse on the scale then he did the day before.

Which is saying what? He looked equally terrible on two consecutive days? aldo is one of my favorites, but 135 is a bad move

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I TAke it back, doesn't look that bad..


T?bikan J?dan -
Jibbersbitch -

He looked no worse on the scale then he did the day before.

Which is saying what? He looked equally terrible on two consecutive days? aldo is one of my favorites, but 135 is a bad move

I was expecting to see him carried to the scale like we've seen from people in the past. 

so for him to look the same as the day before was shocking for me.