Was just grappling with my 8 year old and he threw me in grapevine . Did hip escape, got out of a triangle and an omoplata(hey his limbs are short) and got me in full mount and almost tapped me with forearm choke . Do you ever pajama wrestle with kids(hopefully your own) and notice they can do shit they haven't learned?
I never learned butterfly guard and he keeps fucking me up with it . He has no answer for a sturdy arm drag. Pussy
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is learned because it involves strategy.
BigEyedFish -no
Dude I'm like a black belt in my mind, ya know what I'm sayin? I've seen it done in the ufc so much I can just mimick what I see... I don't need to ever "learn" or "roll" that's just that Gracie marketing bs...
Are you just feeling bad that your boy is walking through your weak ass submission game??
lol @ getting pwned by a small child
mindless optimism -lol @ getting pwned by a small child
You clearly have never dealt with an 8 year old with ADHD !
BigEyedFish -no
Yeah exactly. Anyone who is a blue belt or better and had rolled with a day one white belt will understand this. Pretty much every instinct they have is incorrect.
pbody -BigEyedFish -no
Yeah exactly. Anyone who is a blue belt or better and had rolled with a day one white belt will understand this. Pretty much every instinct they have is incorrect.
Which is weird that he kept doing stuff and moving to positions he shouldn't have known. Fucker double grapevined me on top . He shouldn't have know that.
pbody -BigEyedFish -no
Yeah exactly. Anyone who is a blue belt or better and had rolled with a day one white belt will understand this. Pretty much every instinct they have is incorrect.
Which is why bjj is so effective. It's also why there is a steep learning curve for the first several months. A lot of it is unlearning or avoiding visceral reactions like turning to flee (get your back taken) or pushing away (armbar). It takes time and comfort to be able to turn into someone and move closer, even to move underneath them in order to sweep/recover guard.
The answer comes down to how they try to position their legs in between themself and their opponent
So cats have it down. Dogs have pretty good instictive bjj too. Also, female humans have better instincts than males.
Girly -mindless optimism -lol @ getting pwned by a small child
You clearly have never dealt with an 8 year old with ADHD !
yes that is true. insult withdrawn.
Hell no. A lot of BJJ is actually counter intuitive.