Argh, help with lateral movment!?

If you choose to back up rather than pivot, you have to step with the rear foot first, and not straight back, but (assuming conventional stance) more like 6inches to a foot backwards and 6 inches to the right, in an angled type step. Take several small angled steps and everytime your right foot goes back send a jab to cover your retreat. If your feet were to trace a pattern on the floor it would look more like a lower case j (backwards one if you are going right). Lots of guys try to step a foot or more at the time, and if you are under 6 feet tall this is a mistake. If I see a guy step hard to the right as I advance it is an easy adjustment, but if he does it gradually in 3-4 steps behind some defensive jabs, then suddenly he is standing over to my left and I must correct my facing to attack.
If a guy is landing a combination, DONT BACK UP. Cover and pivot, if you back up you will never get away from him. If he is pressing but not getting you yet then step with the more gradual lateral movement, and now you can send a jab out so he cant press you but so hard. Also remember, though it doesnt look pretty, if a guy is landing a combination, dont be afraid to clench. Lots of guys early in boxing dont want to clench, they think an "opening" will appear while a guy is doing the machine gun on them, it may but clench first till you see what combinations an opponent favors, then set something up.

One way to slow down your opponent is to take a
step back,just to give yourself room and fire a
straight right to the body,that is if he is rushing in.
I've had some success with this.

Good stuff guys, thanks!

true about the clinch stuff..not pretty at all, but I love in-fighting anyway as I'm not a very big guy :-)


Damn I cant make a paragraph to save my life, how many times to I have to hit enter to make space for a paragraph?
