Arlovski and Freddie Roach Article

Very good read.

Great to see Freddie's involvement in MMA.

Great article.

So much has been made of the MMA striking vs. traditional boxing that this fight will be the ultimate test.

Roach sounds pretty arrogant when he claims Fedor has 'no technique.' Pretty strong words when someone seems to have the claim on elite stand-up MMA fighting.

Josh Gross 4life

It shouldn't be news to anyone that MMA striking differs from that of boxing for a number of reasons. Although Arlovski doesn't take a great shot, if I were Fedor, I would taske him down as soon as possible and finish him on the ground.

wow, i didnt realize roach had worked with bj. that makes his assesment of bj make more sense.

Bereal -

Roach sounds pretty arrogant when he claims Fedor has 'no technique.' Pretty strong words when someone seems to have the claim on elite stand-up MMA fighting.

 Ya, no shit, especially when your fighter is known to have a glass jaw.  his lack of technique could knock AA's head right out of the arena.

Great article; I'm looking forward to this fight. I still want to see if developing his striking w/ Roach really gives him the edge...

Guys like Fedor and even Igor V. back in the day club you with overhand x-ray punches, exploding your skull. They break your will by physically pushing you forward than clubbing you into a living death. You can't deny that AA will hit the ground after an x-ray punch.

Roach is talking Arlovski fighting Vitali?!!