Arts with major holes in its game

the definition of style in that context is something with fixed rules that can never be changed or tampered with. Usually, do to tradition.

Boxing is not a 'style' under that definition as boxing
in not a fixed thing, with fixed methods of teaching.
It is not static and skill is defined by fighting skill.

Not memorizing drills and exercises and never applying them

"TKD would have to be the most ragged on with its no head punch rule and flashy kicks. Im not trying to be negative about them by the way"

Watch out with a statement like that. Some of us learned traditional TKD and not that WTF shit in the Olympics. Our school has boxing like hand techniques so we could compete in the 1970's with the different styles in tournaments which was almost unheard of in those times.

Tomasd why would there be anything other than "acounts" or tall tales as you put it about Yip Man? He was a Teacher not a Profesional fighter.

Many styles were based on someones experience in fighting. The typical guy you fighti in the street has little or no training. People who train have better things to do than start a fight. Thats why boxing was considered a self defense for so many years, a fair boxer would win against an untrained fighter (always exceptions).

A TKD guy has an advantage against the typical untrained guy in the street.

If you have good timing and hit really hard you have an advantage. So what would you consider a hole? Throw a BJJ guy in a boxing ring and go by boxing rules. Throw a top BJJ guy against a top from IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) These guys are drawing and fireing 2 rounds in under 1 second. (The normal guy after being trained will draw and fire three rounds in under 2.5 seconds)

You have to compare apples to apples. When you say there is a hole, what are you useing as a base?

"So boxing wont work in a real fight? Boxing is a style."

Of course it won't. Watch Jimmerson tap to Royce in the first UFC after being mounted.

There was a popular story running around in the UG that Fernando Vargas got choked out by a bjj blue belt in a street fight, with witnesses to corroborate.

Any method that says that a person can be successful in a real fight by mastering a style first, then applying that style to a fight is selling you something.

"That's not a "real" fight, that's a competition."

Are you saying it's a "fake" fight? Please.

"There are a lot of stories circulating on the UG, one of them is probably even true."

This is one that could be true. What's your point?

"Yes, just like the Gracies. Is that bad?"

It's bad if the style is mistaken as the truth to actual fighting. If you notice, many of the Gracies have lost to fighters/athletes who are more evolved in the game by developing all their natural tools with a more expansive strategy. And yes, they were selling something.

Styles are just a framework to help someone learn about actually fighting. No one thinks boot camp is a replacement for combat, but it's every intructor's intention that it will better prepare the recruit for when the time actually comes.