Askren Is An Author

In a sport filled with pill popping roiders that go bankrupt less than a year after retirement somehow the fans think it’s funny to shit in Ben for dabbing in crypto.

Even better…they use a picture of Jorge felony assault Masvidal in an attempt to troll him.

he is an olympian…

only a nerd would think of that fight first when hearing his name…

By god awful you mean god awfully genius, correct?

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It was funny, in kind of an unintentional way
And ive always been a big Hughes fan

A wrestler growing a wrestling business is not a good counter for why a wrestler giving financial investment advice is a bad idea.

I met Ben a few times. He seems like a pretty normal guy. I weighed in next to him at the Sunkist Open one year, and I met him when he was an assistant coach at ASU and was doing some clinics for local high schools. Never got a douchy asshole vibe from him. As far as him the competitor, his mental focus was second to none. That was why he was successful. He wasn’t fast or strong in a traditional sense but he could compete. His physical strength is very underrated. A friend of mine wrestled him and explained you don’t feel his strength when he grabs you, but he is constantly pulling on an arm or leg and just wearing you down. He just grabs on and makes you feel weak by taking your strength away. But overall a superb competition mindset.


So? Gordon Ryan is a millionaire, doesn’t mean Im gonna make him my Financial advisor.


Cre will be lined up at a signing for this book somewhere soon


True…but the guy has six academies now by spending money wisely and using the tools he has - if it was easy then everybody would be doing it.


AWA is not just some club run out of a middle school gym…


nerds gonna nerd…

I know nothing about his crypto involvement. For all I know he was just paid to promote it. Zero clue.

Can’t have had much crypto or if he did then he does not have much now either way :rofl:

Maybe he was taking money to push crypto while using his own money to invest in and grow his academy business.

should have stopped after the first three words…


Your friend obviously isn’t Jordan Burroughs. I heard him in an interview say Ben was ridiculously and unexpectedly strong.

He’s an author… OF A BOOK

Probably not but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t matter

I wrote a poem at school aged 10 or less. It was about poppies. They were gonna publish it in a book, then ultimately decided against it. Do you know how that made me feel emotionally?

I couldn’t give a fuck, I made up the poem in 5 minutes just to do homework and avoid detention. I couldn’t give a fuck about poppies.

matter to who?

ben askren?
his family?
the international wrestling community?

forum nerds?

To the sport. Why do you think Fedor is still respected to this day? Because he did something for our sport

just out of curiosity…

did fedor getting lamped repeatedly by mid-tier fighters in mid-tier organizations in a mid-tier sport later in his career tarnish his legacy to forum nerds around here?
