I understand your romantic gestures for compassionate touching of his wenis, but seriously, he's not that great.
Take your Adderall and suck it.
I'm not a big Jones fan but to deny how good he is at this point is silly.
he's amazing.
He's acting really nice and humble after having a good fight going the distance.
Let Bones fans enjoy this, he just won another title fight.
Please inform us. Why isn't he that great? Maybe a newish young figure in mma is too mainstream for you, but I really don't understand why people are still hating on him. Respect a good fighter and quit bitching.
when he fights people his OWN size and wins i will accept this
OK, you guys are right, he's pretty awesome, I agree.
But eat shit anyways.
AttentionDeficitDizzle - OK, you guys are right, he's pretty awesome, I agree.
But eat shit anyways.
You first.
I am going to laugh at all the nuthuggers when Gustafsson Knocks him out!!!
Haha this thread I like
FlyingTriangle - I am going to laugh at all the nuthuggers when Gustafsson Knocks him out!!!Lol let's see
gustafson gets destroyed. I actually don't want to see it after watching gustafson last week I absolutely hated his style.
LOL @ him not being great.
...and I don't even like the guy.
Thrifty -They did a pretty shitty job advertising anything but no restrictions. Theres so much shit I don't know how to do with my ps4, no tutorial or nothing.IronWill -lol y'all do know the ps4 does the same shit right? Just saying, sony didn't advertise it as it didn't need to lolThe Blizz -This nigga a sales rep or..?MrHughes1991 - I'm starting to lean back towards xbox a bit after seeing the nifty voice controlsthey are pretty nifty, buddy. and you could join our tourney we got going. a lot of people signed up so far.
Glovegate - Already surpassed Anderson's legacy, imo. And he'd beat him too.Like Jones. Not sure about your assumptions, though.
Would u shut up about this size thing Jesus, cutting weight is a part of all combat sports.
People should stop comparing him to Rollie Fingers. They are nothing alike.
Jones was just point fighting.