Attention: Bones Nuthuggers!!

I understand your romantic gestures for compassionate touching of his wenis, but seriously, he's not that great.

Take your Adderall and suck it.

I'm not a big Jones fan but to deny how good he is at this point is silly.

 he's amazing.

He's acting really nice and humble after having a good fight going the distance.

Let Bones fans enjoy this, he just won another title fight.

Please inform us. Why isn't he that great? Maybe a newish young figure in mma is too mainstream for you, but I really don't understand why people are still hating on him. Respect a good fighter and quit bitching. Phone Post

when he fights people his OWN size and wins i will accept this Phone Post

OK, you guys are right, he's pretty awesome, I agree.

But eat shit anyways.

AttentionDeficitDizzle - OK, you guys are right, he's pretty awesome, I agree.

But eat shit anyways.

You first.

I am going to laugh at all the nuthuggers when Gustafsson Knocks him out!!!

Haha this thread I like Phone Post

FlyingTriangle - I am going to laugh at all the nuthuggers when Gustafsson Knocks him out!!!
Lol let's see Phone Post

 gustafson gets destroyed. I actually don't want to see it after watching gustafson last week I absolutely hated his style.

LOL @ him not being great.

...and I don't even like the guy. Phone Post

Thrifty -
IronWill -
The Blizz -
MrHughes1991 - I'm starting to lean back towards xbox a bit after seeing the nifty voice controls Phone Post 3.0
they are pretty nifty, buddy. and you could join our tourney we got going. a lot of people signed up so far. Phone Post 3.0
This nigga a sales rep or..? Phone Post 3.0
lol y'all do know the ps4 does the same shit right? Just saying, sony didn't advertise it as it didn't need to lol Phone Post 3.0
They did a pretty shitty job advertising anything but no restrictions. Theres so much shit I don't know how to do with my ps4, no tutorial or nothing. Phone Post 3.0

Glovegate - Already surpassed Anderson's legacy, imo. And he'd beat him too.
Like Jones. Not sure about your assumptions, though. Phone Post

Would u shut up about this size thing Jesus, cutting weight is a part of all combat sports. Phone Post

People should stop comparing him to Rollie Fingers.  They are nothing alike.  

Jones was just point fighting.
