me a UG'er over the w/e at a seminar.
he was asking about savate in nyc. i mentioned you. are there other places? not sure which will work for him, but he was interested in savate, enough to ask where he can go.
me a UG'er over the w/e at a seminar.
he was asking about savate in nyc. i mentioned you. are there other places? not sure which will work for him, but he was interested in savate, enough to ask where he can go.
As far as I know, I'm the only one who teaches in NYC. Have him contact me, and we'll see what we can work out:
As far as I know, you're the only one in the Northeast.
am I really? That's what I thought too, but I didn't want to be presumptious.
Anyhow, send him my way and we'll see what we can work out. I'm on a savate rush right now, so it would be a good time. :)
HA! sem was on sat. i email him on monday with no reply back yet and it's friday. either he's out of town or busy or gave me bad email? next mon will shoot him a followup email.
lol - guy still didn't email me back. sorry 4R.
on a diff note: i was looking through some of MA books last night and came across one i got through Armando - Salem Assli's savate book, which was just a compilation of his articles. but a few yrs ago, there was talk that Salem was working on a bigger book. i've been out of touch with the MA books/vids scene, has the bigger book been done yet?
Yeah I remember that "French Savate" book. That's actually a pretty good reference book. His huge magnum opus has yet to make an someone else's STX magnum opus, ahem.