I could come out and say my Tiger Crane style has been around for 2000 years and that I would beat any MMA fighter. But saying that doesnt give me an instant title shot against the likes of Sean Serk or Chuck Liddel.
I am sure that there are a thousand organizations that would give you (Cintron, Toney, and anyone else), a fight. All of this talk is bullsh*t. Step up, be men, take a pay cut without crying, and prove that boxing is the superior sport by fighting your way in, not talking your way in.
Dana is not stupid enough to put any of his champs in that situation. The MMA world would be the only loser if somehow the boxer connected with his lucky knockout punch. But if the MMA fighter wins it will all be expected and this passing boxing v MMA fad will go away. And thats why he wont do it unless the time and the draw is right. Because it is, just a fad, and he knows Cintron would get murdered and noone would care. PBF was an obvious and only choice because he could be made an example of world wide. The combat sports world doesnt care about James(I'm Fat)Toney or Kermit(Who?)Cintron.
In summary, boxers, beat an MMA guy before you start talking smack about MMA Champs.
ask Jens Pulver how easy boxing is. Prime World Champion gets his ass kicked boxing d level in Iowa.
I dont remember Cintron or Toney being called out by an MMAer. MMAers are not Boxers, boxers are not MMAers. The fact that people even try to argue that a boxer could walk into an MMA ring and dominate is rediculously stupid. Boxing is a part of MMA, not the other way around.
You argument is flawed. You will find no one who thinks the MMA'r has a chance in a boxing match. There are plenty who think the boxer has a chance in a MMA match.
I just dont understand why he and others think he deserves a shot. If he ever got one, it would be a gift. He hasnt earned it.
The question is, if they fight and Sherk wins, will boxing fans tune into MMA instead of boxing? I dont think so. Those fans will just keep coming up with different boxers names to challenge in the UFC. But in the slim chance Cintron wins, it kills all of the momentum that Zuffa has going. The fight only makes sense to boxing because they have nothing to lose. It would just be shrugged off as a "different sport".
MMA in it's current form may only be about 15 years old, but I'm pretty sure that pankration was part of the original Olympic games in ancient Greece, so back to the drawing board with that argument.
And I don't think that it's Dana and Sherk who have something to prove. It's all of the people associated with boxing who seem to be issuing the challenges or taking cheap, uninformed shots, so it seems that they're the ones who feel threatened. I honestly don't think that many people know who Cintron is. The only reason that the attendance or ppv buys would go up is because boxing fans would watch hoping to see Sherk lose, not because Cintron is a household name.
"It's all of the people associated with boxing who seem to be issuing the challenges or taking cheap, uninformed shots, so it seems that they're the ones who feel threatened."
You couldn't be more wrong. Pull out your copies of the early UFC's. No scratch that... just listen to Joe Rogan & Dana White go off over the last 4 years. You do that and you'll see that boxing wasn't even acknowleding the UFC until the past couple months.
What does this have anything to do with a boxer getting into an MMA ring? And why are only 2 boxers publicly saying anything? A lotof boxers now train in the same gyms as MMAers and know what would happen 99 out of 100 times if that fight ever happened.
LOL @ this MMA noobie thread. Learn the sport BEFORE you start trolling...
So what, your software and product managment experience makes you more knowledgeable than me? Nice try. Unless you have anything constructive to say on either side of this subject, go to Sherdog.