ATTN: chutefighter225

Didn't see you last night so we could set this fight up you wanted. Thought for sure you'd be there. Anyway, I didn't get that beating from Joe that you said I probably would, I managed to squeak by, lucky I guess. Just to let you know however that I did break my hand again and the commission gave me an indefinate suspension until released from the doctor. I will try to get into my orthopedic doctor on Monday so he can take a look. Probably 6-8 weeks is what the emergency room doc said. Just keeping you informed of the situation so you don't accuse me of anything. My word is still good, you'll get your fight.

i wanted to be there but i live in new orleans and i could not set up the travel but angelo franco is going to talk to the promoter of the rfc today and see if he can get it on the next rfc and i think he said its going to be on nov 11 so maybe we can do it then so take what ever time you need for your hand i just want both of us to be 100% for our fight so just let me know

Nice fight last night, Hosegood. Put that guy to sleep real quick.

I wish I would have went.

You missed a good show. Thanks for the kind words Cowboy.

Congrats again John on the win and being in better shape than when I met you :)