Ron Simpson - mrzipplokk, I know you're a respected member here, can you please tell me why you are freezing all of Puder's posts? What did he do to piss everyone off?
I have been out of the loop for awhile.
Thank you
Because the UG is for mma related topics, and he posts stupid non-related spam.
This Puder trolling is about as entertaining as...well...all of the other lame trolling that goes on here.
MontyG I see is new to tro11ing. Be more subtle in your approach, Bro. *fist pumps
I do miss Puder threads only for the fact that every time he'd post an informative video, the same guy would post a gif of the Big Show slamming Puder into some lockers. It killed me every time!
Speaking of PUDER .. he use to TRAIN at aka before he went all hollywood. He had some great skills ..and could have been a contender IMO
I serious can't read a Sagiv Lapkin post without reading "Savage Napkin" in my head.
LOL at Savage Napkin.
That got a real smile.
I also suppot Puder in his informative techniques and inspirational quotes.
another fighter has been ran off?
this forum needs to do something about trolls and fighter bashers
we want puder back
Ron Simpson - I wouldn't be surprised if MontyG gave his e-mail address and password to Puder and this is really Puder posting on this thread. Are you denying the presence of "Dan's Fans"? Google that shit before you pop off about a valued pro.
I know for fact puder is using monty's login. Taylor why get involved in all this? Just train bro and leave the internet be.
Nice to see the mods chiming in. I'm not really convinced that Puder is a pro fighter, but let's say he is. He still shouldn't be able to spam this forum.
Beelzebozo - Puder vs McCorkle for the love of the UG. An epic clash. If Puder beats McCorkle Zip isn't allowed to freeze his threads anymore! Great idea. Who has the best kimura???
April 1, 2011, 1:27pm
I wish I could be mentioned in the same breath as DPUDE