Who left their Spiderman preview comic on my counter?
I think it was left here the night Ortiz got Iced.
It's behind my desk if you're coming back for it.
Spread the happy word.
'The Night Ortiz got Iced'...ouch. I see you've seen the light my man...:)
Can I have the comic if no one claims it...:)...j/k.
Wow! Who was foolish enough to mess up Dan's counter?
As an aside, "Showdown Friends" sounds like a Saturday morning cartoon. LOL!
who belongs to the comic book?
It's mine... Joe tried to steal it from me I swear...
no wait ... maybe it isn't mine after all...considering I'm 500 miles away...
Does it have shot spots on the back? then it might be mine...ohhh Misses Parker...ahhh
"SHOWDOWN powers activate! Form of...a ring turnbuckle!"
I left my Spiderman underwear at Joe's when his wife was out of town and he didn't offer to give them back! Joe...be more like Dan alright!
Yo Colangelo, could you please shoot me an email!
It's mine all you liars!
what's up liborio1?? Did you find my Spiddy undies???
Did anyone find Dougies gay porn?
I'll have you know that when I shaved my head I became even better looking than I already was. My Wife has since requested that I stop shaving my head as I scare little kids she says.
As it grows back I look at myself in the mirror each day and marvel how I get even better looking.
Having said this, I can understand how you might be lustful of me and hence your jealous comment of the gay porn.
Carry on.
I guess that means Dougie has my Spiddy underwear! HEY!!! GIVEN BACK MAN!
No way man! I only wear Batman underwear! Spiderman....**pppfft** Like he could be real. If you got bit by a radioactive spider you'd be dead.
Now Batman, he could happen.