Attn: GeeRoxx

I have altered my diet and work out plan and I have started to actually weigh in at 150lbs.

I plan to cut to 139 the day before our momentous battle and then spaz out.

lol, I can't gain weight to make 140 even on the Couch-Fu eating plan. I'll ask for same day weigh ins. You're not gonna Tito/Riggs me with your weight cutting tactics :)

Same day weigh in? Noooo way jose!

Heh, the couch fu plan is the way to go. JHR is a genious!

i weighed 140 in grade 5. I also wore "Bullett" running shoes and had a beef ravioli stain on my face.

Hey, I'm training hard for this fight.

You almost weigh as much as me!

omg that kid is adorable!!

I told you I was cutting weight...

Dougie, email me please. The Hulk and I need your help on something.

I forgot your e-mail.


I emailed you this morning after I posted on this thread. check your trash folder, maybe it was an automatic response :p

Checking now. It's there.

Dougie, you got mail.

Dougie, you've got email from the waynemeister as
well - check it out me son.

Geeroxx go easy on dougie, I have a fight with him coming up and don't want him using the excuse that you hurt him too badly before it

and dougie, you don't have email from me...jerk bastard!

No worries Felix. Dougie Ortiz has done everything to avoid fighting me. First he tried to cut 30+ lbs to get into my weightclass. Now that he has finally made it, he says we had a pact and friends don't fight friends.

Geeroxx: He gave me a similar line recently...don't worry, we'll get our fights one day.

You guys would hit a guy that wears glasses would you?