ATTN Jason Reinhardt

Your post got me thinking, how do smaller shows make it? I went to the event at the I Wireless Center and I don't know how it made any money. The show was ok but attendance was poor. Can you answer these questions for us on the U.G.?

1. What are you doing 16 hrs a day? Fill us in on your day.

2. In your 9yrs what's the best and worst you have made form your events.

3. Please give an itemized list. Cage cost,Dr.,insurance, what you pay fighters,judges,printing and advertising, sponsors,lighting P. A. systems I am sure I am forgetting 100's of other things as well... ect. Fill us in on what your show cost. I don't thing people really understand what it takes to do this.

4. Biggest and smallest number of fans in the seats. In one of your post you say 1500 people were there. Say 20.00 a ticket. That's a 30,000 payday. Out of that what do you keep after paying you help and all from question 3.

5.Have you ever lost money?

6. I have 250,000 how long would it take you to make it a million for me, after taking your %. I am looking for an investment.

7.Do you give away tickets. On the radio station they were giving them away by the 10's for the event here at the I Wireless Center. Is that a standard practice?

8..Do you use spell check? (we have a bet here at the firm)

(I did not use spell check either)

Money should be made every single time, if you don't have too many idiots running arounding spending monopoly money trying to look cool. Start small, have people around you that you trust. It's all about hard work, and honestly, and if your a real MMA promoter and your not working at least 16 hour days, then your not working! Shit, i bet it took Big Daddy Gary Shaw at least 6 hours to eat daily, and that queer looking son of his abour 6 hours to trim his "beastie boyz" beard to perfection. And of course he had to go to his dance classes daily. Heaven for bid, he wants to spend time working MMA!!
He's just too immature to know what's going on. The proof and facts are there. How do you lose 60 million dollars? Think about that guys/girls. You have to be the dumbest business person/or persons on the planet. and these people had attorneys on board? What kind of attorneys? Sorry Lappen, but your included. just my opinion.
I've been promoting MMA going on 9 years, and you?? I thought Gary Shaw knew his shit, and knew how to promote? Guess what, this is MMA. Not boxing. Well, Dana White was right once again. I knew he was from the start. How in the hell do you fail, when you have millions and millions of dollars thrown at you. Has someone embezelled?? Just wondering? It's an honest question? It's Laziness for one Elite XE failed, and two, it's having too many Indians with no real Chief!!
Elite XE tarnished the image of our Sport of MMA, and each and everyone of those idiots should now go and try to promote Pony racing, and be gone from our sport. Have that Beastie Boy looking "queer bait" Jared Shaw, have his daddy buy him a fucking horse, go to the horse track and jump up and down for his Horse, like the idiot he showed all of us on CBS. Jared, maybe, you could pay a jockey to break his horses leg, so yours has a chance to win? That sounds right up your alley. I'm sure your family isn't above that! Your whole group/family has tarnished the image of MMA.
Sorry people if you don't agree with me. Correct me if i am wrong. It just makes me sick of people who jump in our sport with not having MMA's best interest in mind. It's not always about the money. I called it from the beginning, Elite XC/showtime would file bankruptcy. I was 1 month and 2 days off from the exact day i predicted. And most of the reason you went under because you have no clue how to market MMA, or real fighters, who have paid their dues. flame away. Jason Reinhardt

ttt 4 response

my guess is he won't answer a lot of those questions. putting on ashow is a lot of hard work. try finding 16 ammys to fight for free.

i don't know how those promoters who do 40 shows a year do it.


TTT For Reinhardt or any promoter really...


LOL at "Please give itemized list"

Puttng on a show is allot harder than anyone could think

Randy speaks the truth from experience. thank you.

TTT for your answers, let the UG know.
