ATTN: Jon Koppenhaver

mad tiger - 
TOWE - Almost lame as your website!  ALMOST...


yeah needs more pics of douchebags with skanks hyped up on e clinging to the nuts of every fighter on the guest list. Now that would be AWESOME.

 seriously...who died and made TOWE the UG critic. the guy never makes any threads worth a damn and goes around talking shit on other people's threads.

he's better off name dropping than this lame attempt at trying to be funny.

 hey TOWE, have you talked to mr machine lately? Is he still your guy?


so is War his first name and Machine his last?

 He didn't change his name to war machine legally ... tell me you are making that shit up.

CavemanDave -  He didn't change his name to war machine legally ... tell me you are making that shit up.

First name War, last name Machine.

CavemanDave -  He didn't change his name to war machine legally ... tell me you are making that shit up.
Negative. War "War Machine" Machine.

CavemanDave, Apparently, he did it because he received a cease and desist letter about a pro wrestler who was using the same name.

 Sherdog even changed his FightFinder page.

When changing your name to something ridiculous, there should be some kind of cooling off period before it becomes official -- kind of like the way they make gender reassignment candidates live on hormones for a year before they chop off their ding-dongs.

MMArijuana -
CavemanDave - He didn't change his name to war machine legally ... tell me you are making that shit up.
Negative. War "War Machine" Machine.

War "Jon Koppenhaver" Machine, imho.

lol, great picture

What a loser.

Kurt - very funny. is this fighter bashing?

 If he was still a fighter instead of unemployed.

I always wanted my name to be Chaz. I thought it sounded upperclass waspy like the villians in 80's movies. I wanted to have hair like Johnny too. Damn these degopolockmickkraut genes.

 For Big Nog...

CagePotato -  For Big Nog...

lol. big nog is just a big old teddy bear. funny shit.


so far the best part of tuf is hearing nog call everyone "buddy

so far the best part of tuf is hearing nog call everyone "buddy"

No joke. Nog could get me to kill for him its so endearing.

"Do the 'Nogueira' and then cut that's guy's throat for me. Okay buddy?"

 I want to be Nog's buddy! :-(