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Attn: Kirik or Chris (blue name)

Is this possible?   (Forum member Dono)


From: 2JupitersTooMany Send Private Message Add Comment To Profile

Posted: 4 minutes ago

Member Since: 5/14/06

Posts: 23945

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I am happy to donate a year of my extended blue time to dono if someone can copy this post and contact Kirik. I think I am good until 2015.

I have a strict policy against TTTing threads because I am reclusive and hate to draw attention to myself, so I will leave this to the UG.

How do you figure?

Porkchop - you cheap bastard.

This is absolutely true.

I recommend Schell's 2010 Snowstorm, by the Schell's Brewery. It has been rated extremely highly on and fumes in at 7.0% ABV. You can find it on sale for $12.99 a 12-pack (bottles). I am feeling the effects of one now.

But I am of sound mind and spirit, and I am capable of appreciating the consequences of my actions, so my state of mind is such that this thread can be binding, and I have no plans to later dispute my benevolence.


2JupitersTooMany - I have a strict policy against TTTing threads because I am reclusive and hate to draw attention to myself, so I will leave this to the UG.

 Huh ?


2/15/08 brah

 I also have requested a name change in multiple emails if Kirik/ Chris get around to this thread..

I will gladly try a different email if that will work better

Ive tried to PM Chris and Ive tried Kirik on PM &


 ttt?  Am I doing this right?

TTT for 2JTM

I'm a fan. Phone Post

Wait, I think he has been banned.

Does this mean I am a poor judge of character?

 has my name been changed yet? 


2JupitersTooMany - Does this mean I am a poor judge of character?

 lol well...

You DO like Tito Ortiz...

Honestly, I like him no more than I like any of my close, personal friends or family members or lovers.

 Now it has..