Attn: Mayhem - Bully Needs Beatdown

Not sure if there will be a 3rd season, but this punk from Long Island, New York could use a severe beating:

If that's not enough, look up "Adam Schelberg" on Facebook and see what this tool has posted as his picture.

Guys, the producers pick the bullys, not Jason. you would be better served looking on and finding out who the producer is and shooting that to them on facebook.

so the jew hired a brother to beat the kid up cause he was too much of a pussy. Only in America lol.

RyPuhnie - so the jew hired a brother to beat the kid up cause he was too much of a pussy. Only in America lol.

 only on long island

"Guys, the producers pick the bullys, not Jason. you would be better served looking on and finding out who the producer is and shooting that to them on facebook."

Jason can't put in a good word?

unless your "bully" is an actor, it's not gonna happen..

Start your own show, call it "Facebook Fuckup" where you fight people you don't like on Facebook.

Hmmm.... Facebook Fuckup has a nice ring to it LOL

"Facebook Fuckup"


Seriously - look at this guy's picture on Facebook. I don't know what it is but between that pic and the story online I want to beat the piss out of this kid.

TTT for Facebook F-U

 whats really sad is i have a few mutual friends with this douche