Attn Mods: Sticky Request

Could we get one please for Noellee's thread, "Roddy Piper Fans Invited - Moment of Silence 8/11"?

Besides being a Black Belt under Judo Gene LeBell, Piper was a hero to many in the MMA and Pro-wrestling communities, for what he did both inside and outside the ring. It would be nice to get word of his memorial out to as many as possible:)


The thread OP is requesting be stickied:

Roddy Piper Fans Invited - Moment of Silence 8/11     Noellee

Noellee has hooked  alot of fighters up with TV work.

Lahi - Could we get one please for Noellee's thread, "Roddy Piper Fans Invited - Moment of Silence 8/11"?

Besides being a Black Belt under Judo Gene LeBell, Piper was a hero to many in the MMA and Pro-wrestling communities, for what he did both inside and outside the ring. It would be nice to get word of his memorial out to as many as possible:)

Lahi, I am touched beyond words that you would post this kind gesture on behalf of Roddy and I will love you forever for it.

Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness in this difficult time.

StrikingMMA - 

The thread OP is requesting be stickied:

Roddy Piper Fans Invited - Moment of Silence 8/11     Noellee

Noellee has hooked  alot of fighters up with TV work.

Thanks Striking... kinda speechless at how touched I am at your guys thoughtfulness...

Ttt Phone Post 3.0

Signed Phone Post 3.0

I requested the thread get stickey'ed for you guys to the powers that be Phone Post 3.0

Thanks Riddius:)


"Away from the ring, Roddy was a quiet gentleman, who loved to talk about his wonderful family. I've never been around any wrestler that took more pride, and had more love, in being a husband and a father than Rowdy Roddy Piper. And that's probably about as high a compliment as a man can get." - Jim Ross

Riddlius - I requested the thread get stickey'ed for you guys to the powers that be Phone Post 3.0


Put a post up in the mod FB group.

So sorry for your loss Noelle. Met him on a few occasions. An amazing, amazing human being.

So sorry for your loss. All will be well. Phone Post 3.0

downperiscope - Put a post up in the mod FB group.

So sorry for your loss Noelle. Met him on a few occasions. An amazing, amazing human being.

So sorry for your loss. All will be well. Phone Post 3.0

I appreciate your kind words downperiscope.

I am not familiar with the mod FB group so if someone would reach out there, that would be wonderful.

Signed. RIP Roddy

I posted this is the other thread, but thread will be stickied monday morning

Awesome, thank you very much.

Lahi - Awesome, thank you very much.

I want to thank you Lahi for being in Roddy's corner here. I am sad at the loss of my friend and since he was a Gene LeBell Black Belt and Rousey's namesake, it feels right for the UG'ers to at least know it's happening. Thanks again Lahi. Love ya.

Glad for anything I could do to help get the word out:) So sorry for your loss.

Thanks for the sticky! It's on the OtherGround board... is it possible to have it on the UG board too? He was a lifelong fighter and this is where the fight fans hang out...