Thank you very much for the package!!...i recieved it when i got home from work today....there was alot of awesome stuff in there...tell ken i said thanks as really made my day Buckeye Beth!!...and you rock!! :)
btw lol @ crowman
if you guys could ttt this until she sees it, i'd really appreciate it...thanks guys and gals
You got it croman?? Was there an "error" in it like she said?? LOL.... cause I really wanna know what an error looks like. :)
*is dieing to know what's in the box*
I just ordered UFC 43 & 44 on DVD! Also UFC 3 on video.
lol momita...well i go by croman around here and other forums...b/c my name is chris roman (croman) ken signed a couple of things with hey i take it that was the big was very nice of her to send it to me and him to sign...i got a 10th anniversary program and some collectable casino chips, and some other goodies!! felt like christmas all over beth!!
Beth rawks.
WTF? Why did you get a package?
are people already recieving the posters for ufc 47? i got mine for 46 but not 47 yet
That is great croman! How long did it take you to seal all of it in plastic to keep for eternity?
The misspelling of you're name will be a story told over & over again & slightly changed a hundred years from now.........:)
i put it in my safe already will be joined by a Mezger autograph whenever i am able to get one :)
p.s. i don't really have a safe..put it will be in a safe place
TTT for Saucy...
she was asking today on live fighter chat if you recieved it.
yeah i know stinkin genius...i didn't know it had arrived b/c i was at work and class...but it's here!!
TTT for Saucy`s flyer tactics!
ttt 4 Saucy!