attn Scott Schilling

or anyone who can give me some info on your schedule and your rates. I have a buddy who wants to start training, he's a really good guy and lives in Oakville. Just got off the phone with him and said I'd do some legwork for him. He's interested in no gi, grappling and striking. If someone could give me some details I'd appreciate it. -Dave

and congrats for your black!

Hello Dallas Mc Danger, Here is the info you require

Schilling/Behring Brazilain Jiu-Jitsu Academy

Instructor: Scott "Guerreiro" Schilling

BJJ Black Belt

Sylvio Behring Jiu-Jitsu Team

9 1/2 Years BJJ Experience

Location: (Shin Bu Kan Judo Club) 2359 Royal Winsor Dr. Unit #11 Mississauga Ontario

Large Spacious 3,300 sq. ft. Facility

2,100 sq. ft. of Judo Tatami Mats

Walls Covered with 6'ft High, 8" in. Thick Crash Mats

Air Conditioned

Large Change Rooms and Showers for Men and Women

Classes Mon and Wed 8:00 to 9:30 GI and Sat 3:00 to 4:30 NO GI/MMA

Cost is $99. per month

Please contact: Scott Schilling (905)847-2652 e-mail

thanks, i'll pass that on

hey scott it's loco.

won't be in class this weekend, i'm on duty bcoz the

dumbass troops can't get their shit together so i have

to sort them out.

till next time

papiloco behring jiu jitsu...jiu jitsu brasileiro

Whip'em into shape! Master Corporal McDonald!