Attn Zuffa: Please Raise PPV Price

At first I was not happy about the price of the UFC PPV going up to 45 bucks. But people with friends say that all I need to do is get a few friends over to share costs. Now I see their point.

If Zuffa makes more money, we'll get more and better fights. With that in mind, I feel I can bring 20 people per PPV broadcast into my home and split the cost.

I don't think 10 bucks is too much for a night of fights, so with 20 friends, that means that each PPV can be 200 dollars.

Zuffa, please raise the price to 200 bucks PRONTO!! Thank you.

No friends? Come watch with me!


CZ has a point. I should have to pay $10 because I have no friends.

But CZ, what about the adults among us who: a) have few friends (and even fewer who like the UFC) and b)aren't thrilled about the idea of having drunken fight fans over until 1:00 am while their pre-schoolers try to sleep, and c) are sickened at the thought of spending $50/ea. per event?

I don't even like myself, so I'm watching for free.

ttt for hanging out with TheGARV

"Garv, can I come watch at your place? I'll bring $10 AND pudding! "


Ive been saying this all along !

But Beakman. What about the fact that if everyone is going someplace to watch, then the amount of shows will suffer like hell? If I had to pay $200 I would never watch another show. I don't want to go someplace else to watch the fight and I sure as hell don't want 20 other people here smashing my house down.

lol paying for an UFC event

If I had CZ's money, I could throw mine away.

pay someone more than 3 g's and I'll accept the price increase

the athletes will still complain about their pay

I think they need to STOP showing it in bars, clubs etc...

If we have to pay for it, they should pay for it as well. Around here, they don't.

You'd see a lot of the newbs drifting from the sport because of the price and a lot of the die hard, been around for 15 yr fans staying with it.

I think they need to STOP showing it in bars, clubs etc...

I'll agree with that if they lower the PPV price.

Didn't bars and clubs have to pay more when it came back on PPV?

If you take the UFC away from my wing joint... I'll quite watching it :P

You'll keep coming back for the wings though. Amirightoramiright. Blazin', bitches.

"I have a 50 seat restaurant and thought about showing the ufc's I called the promotion company, it would cost 750$, no thank you "

I need some takeout.

Everytime the UFC raises prices by $5, the geniuses on here chime in with, "who can't afford $5 more?"

So, maybe the UFC suckasses need to just think of the $200 price as 30 UFC's in fast forward... that'll satisfy them.