Let's switch it up. On top of a SN bet, lets also throw in the avatar.
30 days, no muds (b;ue, green, redm rainbow names)
I think Gus has this one.
Let's switch it up. On top of a SN bet, lets also throw in the avatar.
30 days, no muds (b;ue, green, redm rainbow names)
I think Gus has this one.
Racist title.
I'm white but my member is dark, can I get in or no?
Leghound - I'm white but my member is dark, can I get in or no?
I'm down for some fun. Gus might have this, but let's do it.
OCMikey - I'm down for some fun. Gus might have this, but let's do it.
Good luck. My heart is with AJ but my MMAth says Gus.
Keep your name. Please donate just $5 to Make-A-Wish Foundation and post a confirmation screenshot my friend. If you can't, I understand and I will donate in both of our names.
Rumble's a beast
I will donate $10 for both of us, just change your name to:
You're good people OCMikey. I already knew that, but just wanted to say it again.
Damn Paypal exchange rate, $6.40 CAD.
Letibleu -We're even. Thank you man.
Damn Paypal exchange rate, $6.40 CAD.
OCMikey -Letibleu -Damn Paypal exchange rate, $6.40 CAD.
<span class="User-334455" id="userPost52268499">We're even. Thank you man. <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/apple.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></blockquote>
Name change was submitted (iGargleRumblesSaltyLoads), you just need to chose my avatar now :)
I didn't expect this thread to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but it just did.
D241 -
I didn't expect this thread to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but it just did.
Probably just boy love juice that hasnt leaked back out yet.
Letibleu -OCMikey -Letibleu -Damn Paypal exchange rate, $6.40 CAD.
<span class="User-334455" id="userPost52268499">We're even. Thank you man. <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/apple.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></blockquote>
Name change was submitted (iGargleRumblesSaltyLoads), you just need to chose my avatar now :)
This just feels right
OCMikey -Letibleu -OCMikey -Letibleu -Damn Paypal exchange rate, $6.40 CAD.
<span class="User-334455" id="userPost52268499">We're even. Thank you man. <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/apple.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></blockquote>
Name change was submitted (iGargleRumblesSaltyLoads), you just need to chose my avatar now :)
This just feels right
Hahaha, salt for the wound.
That name looks beautiful on you, sir
Done :\