Avatar & SN Bet, I got GUS (for colored members)

Let's switch it up. On top of a SN bet, lets also throw in the avatar.

30 days, no muds (b;ue, green, redm rainbow names)

I think Gus has this one.


Racist title.

I'm white but my member is dark, can I get in or no?

Leghound - I'm white but my member is dark, can I get in or no?


I'm down for some fun. Gus might have this, but let's do it. Phone Post 3.0

OCMikey - I'm down for some fun. Gus might have this, but let's do it. Phone Post 3.0



Good luck. My heart is with AJ but my MMAth says Gus.

Keep your name. Please donate just $5 to Make-A-Wish Foundation and post a confirmation screenshot my friend. If you can't, I understand and I will donate in both of our names.

Rumble's a beast Phone Post 3.0

I will donate $10 for both of us, just change your name to:



You're good people OCMikey.  I already knew that, but just wanted to say it again.

Damn Paypal exchange rate, $6.40 CAD.

Letibleu -

Damn Paypal exchange rate, $6.40 CAD.

We're even. Thank you man. Phone Post 3.0

OCMikey - 
Letibleu -

Damn Paypal exchange rate, $6.40 CAD.

<span class="User-334455" id="userPost52268499">We're even. Thank you man. <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/apple.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></blockquote>


Name change was submitted (iGargleRumblesSaltyLoads), you just need to chose my avatar now :)


I didn't expect this thread to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but it just did.

D241 - 

I didn't expect this thread to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but it just did.

Probably just boy love juice that hasnt leaked back out yet.

Letibleu - 
OCMikey - 
Letibleu -

Damn Paypal exchange rate, $6.40 CAD.

<span class="User-334455" id="userPost52268499">We're even. Thank you man. <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/apple.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></blockquote>


Name change was submitted (iGargleRumblesSaltyLoads), you just need to chose my avatar now :)


This just feels right


OCMikey - 
Letibleu - 
OCMikey - 
Letibleu -

Damn Paypal exchange rate, $6.40 CAD.

<span class="User-334455" id="userPost52268499">We're even. Thank you man. <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/apple.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></blockquote>


Name change was submitted (iGargleRumblesSaltyLoads), you just need to chose my avatar now :)


This just feels right

Hahaha, salt for the wound.

That name looks beautiful on you, sir Phone Post 3.0

Done :\