Baby Boy Arrived!!!

Congrats Rodrigo!!

Yo Tim! My boy and your boy will be fighting the open division final in some years to come! lol

Congrats Rodrigo!!

nice wrok man

Congrats dude!

Ha ha ha I'm almost certain they will meet up somewhere down the line!!!

I better get my ass in gear and learn a lot more BJJ if I'm going to be teaching little Brady anything lol!!!

Congrats man- future World Champ no doubt.

Great News Rodrigo! It just seems like yesterday when Steph was born! Tell you what, just to make sure that Renzo has good training, I will get off this computer, wake up Michelle, and get working on a little training partner right now. This next conception is for you Rodrigo!!!
Cory and Michelle

hhahha Cory, you're crazy!!! Ever heard of " the pill" man!! Guy has like 10 kids already. Say to michelle for me, i have the video of steph's labor and Michelle was there the whole time. Hope to see ya one of these days little crazy fucker!


Congrats dude!
Just don't let uncle Bruno teach him how to play poker< he'll never be any good