Badr Hari fights 2morrow

You can dislike the guy, his fans and his quitting but there’s no denying his offensive skills. Top of the game.


800 dead in a Moroccan earthquake. If he’s from the area I doubt he fights.

I can’t recall a single boring Hari fight. He was always exciting, guns blazing, kill or be killed.

Asshole, maybe, but were you not entertained?


This starts in about 2 hrs

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I think you need to read what you’re replying to lol

My reply was to you and in agreement with you.

Ignashov was a warrior.

Heard his drinking capped his career.

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The most talented heavyweight kickboxer I’ve ever seen. Wished he’d trained like a pro and taken his career more seriously.


Gokan Saki still kickboxing? He was in ufc for a minute.

Woooow what a headkick KO.


He hasn’t fought since 2021.

A victory over James McSweeney who we will see fight Badr shortly.

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Mcsweeny is a tomato can


What’s badr saying? Is he pulling out of the fight ?

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1300 dead now. I called him pulling out.

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Yup he just pulled out wtf. Max fought after Hawaii fires. Dude was looking for any reason. Sorry if I’m being harsh I just wanna see some fights.

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The whole crowd just looked like they were walking out after hari decided to not fight

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See Crystal Ball GIF by goodfortunesonly


Dude, it’ll likely be death count similar to 9/11 in a small country. It’s a big deal.

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It’s amazing the sense of pride these people have coming from such regressive/theocratic shithole countries. While we are seemingly only allowed to take pride in faggotry.

Try and be as patriotic as these islamists are of their shithole countries… and you’re labeled an extremist…for loving the greatest countries in the world (America / Canada)

What a world.

If this event happened on 9/11 they’d be itching to keep fighting.

Those Moroccan fans. If 9/11 occured and the event was cancelled, and they missed their boy Badr because of it, they would riot the place to the ground.