Badr Hari Slapped a Receptionist (video)

Rumble Young Man Rumble - He's dead OP, someone posted a pic of him dead, have some respect you bagelcunt

Member Since: 4/28/15

Why must she slap ? Phone Post 3.0

2JupitersTooMany - Bellhop IMO, scum of the earth. Always denying you access to an elevator because "you aren't wearing pants again" or "the lady in 204 is in fear for her life" Phone Post 3.0

Gold. VU.

ausgepicht - 
Rumble Young Man Rumble - He's dead OP, someone posted a pic of him dead, have some respect you bagelcunt

Member Since: 4/28/15

Member Since: 1/1/01

I can copy unimportant things below a poster's name too!!!1!!1one!!!

Also, agreed with the guy who said jail is a good place for him. Guy needs to get his shit together.

2JupitersTooMany - Bellhop IMO, scum of the earth. Always denying you access to an elevator because "you aren't wearing pants again" or "the lady in 204 is in fear for her life" Phone Post 3.0

LOL VU 2Jupes. Where you been hiding bro? Feel like I haven't seen your SN for a while.

I'm here whenever you need me bro. Phone Post 3.0

2JupitersTooMany - I'm here whenever you need me bro. Phone Post 3.0


Haha Phone Post 3.0

ocbadapple - so brutal. LOL
So I take it slapping receptionists is ok in your book, so long as you don't hit them too hard?

You're such a cunt dude, tell me again how great hitler was. Phone Post 3.0

2JupitersTooMany - Bellhop IMO, scum of the earth. Always denying you access to an elevator because "you aren't wearing pants again" or "the lady in 204 is in fear for her life" Phone Post 3.0

What a fkn douchbag but GODDAMN he is big Phone Post 3.0

Anyone who does that was likely someone else's birch at some point. Bullies are the saddest people. Phone Post 3.0

Balls Mahoney - That's some bullying garbage right there. Was a huge Badr fan when he was in K-1 but after all the stories and now this........ The receptionist should have shot him in the knee.
Same here. Always looked forward to his fights and was a big fan. Went off him after the bonjaski stomping shit. All this out of ring bullying and beating people up, I don't support bullies. Phone Post 3.0

What a dumbass.

Asshole..... Phone Post 3.0

I wouldn't want to piss that guy off.

Now I wish they book him against Fedor for the NYE Rizin event and Fedor rips off the arm that he used to slap the receptionist.

RicGillespie -
bungee up - That almost looked like a hey mate how Ye goin slap. Phone Post 3.0

Looked like the typical thug walking down a smaller man to intimate him.
What you did there......... Phone Post 3.0

jwg - 
ausgepicht - 
Rumble Young Man Rumble - He's dead OP, someone posted a pic of him dead, have some respect you bagelcunt

Member Since: 4/28/15

Member Since: 1/1/01

I can copy unimportant things below a poster's name too!!!1!!1one!!!

Also, agreed with the guy who said jail is a good place for him. Guy needs to get his shit together.

Badr is not dead, and defending that comment makes you look dumber than a school bus of retards and only backs up why I post time stamps. Thanks for the help!

Member Since: 7/7/13

2JupitersTooMany - Bellhop IMO, scum of the earth. Always denying you access to an elevator because "you aren't wearing pants again" or "the lady in 204 is in fear for her life" Phone Post 3.0
Trevor Phillips? Phone Post 3.0