Mouth guards, cups and ear protection are common in mats around the world, but I'm having an issue with scratches to the noggin.
Since I can't demand for all my partners to file their nails before class, does anyone know of something that stays on while sparring that can give protection against scratches? I'm currently walking around the office (suit and tie) with a bright red mark across the dome. It won't stop me from training but it gets irritating after a half dozen questions. Thanks!
Actually, YES, you can demand for all your training partners to file their nails before class. Or, at least, your instructor should be demanding this of your partners. Clawing a teammate should be a regrettable and embarrassing event.
I used to train at Valente Bros in Fl. Zero scratches in 2 years. Now I train with World Champions in NYC, 2 scratches in 2 months. Maybe it's the more intense training, but I need something!
I read some people use Water Polo headgear, not sure how I feel about that.
Setree -This....
Actually, YES, you can demand for all your training partners to file their nails before class. Or, at least, your instructor should be demanding this of your partners. Clawing a teammate should be a regrettable and embarrassing event.
Nail scratches can be avoided. Everyone should have short clean nails. Mat burns on the head not so much....just got to live with it
A rugby scrum cap should do the trick. People wear them to stop cauliflower ears, it covers the the whole head
if you can't muster up the minerals to ask your training partners to practice simple, courteous, safe hygiene you could always look at getting a luchador mask.
probably oughta get one anyway, just cuz they so badass.
have you considered a toupee ?
2 birds one stone
I second the rugby head gear. Much less bulky than ear guards aswell. A black belt in Australia is known for wearing rugby head gear to protect his ears.
thebasher - have you considered a toupee ?Word.
2 birds one stone
thebasher - have you considered a toupee ?Lol...If I do, I'll post a pic.
2 birds one stone
What's most surprising is the caliber of guys that train there. We're talking world champs.
have you tried hair?
Luncha Libre - On the way into work I passed a church with a sign for their vacation bible school. For some reason my experience came rushing back and even though I have been trying to put it out of my head all morning it's really put me in a sour mood.It's all part of Gods plan. Just accept it.
I was 8 at the time, the same age as my own son, and went with my grandmas and a bunch of kids to a camp to spend the night and do bible school stuff. I was in bed on the top bunk of a bunkbed and the pastor walked up and started talking to me. I was half asleep so I didnt know what was going on. He ran his hands under the covers and did some terrible stuff to me. Finally my grandma woke up and spoke and he left. I know it isnt a big deal and it only happened once to me but the memory really pisses me off.
He is now in his 60s. Never married. Is still the pastor of that same church. Still doing things for youths. Sometime when I was in my early twenties he was in the local paper facing molestation allegations. He let some wayward boys move in with him at his home and one came forward. Other than an investigation and some articles in the paper nothing came of it. I searched (the paper) for any of the stories about that so I could link it but nothing came up. I remember my grandma telling everyone that the boy was a liar and just wanted money from the church.
Whenever I was at my grandmas and this guy came around making his rounds he always told me how handsome I was and creeped me out. My grandma died in late 2012 and he officiated the funeral. I didnt speak to him and that was the last time I saw him. I am 6'6" and have no problem telling anyone how I feel but for some reason anytime I was around this guy I felt powerless and almost afraid of him but also enamored with him. I dont know it's hard to explain.
Not sure why I am sharing this I guess it's just to get it off my mind.
Akston - When I'm training I buzz my head with a trimmer without the guardThat layer of fuzz makes your head slide better and saves it from damage
Having that slight bit of hair prevents mat burn and skin infections
I shave when I know I have a couple of days off, otherwise the trimmer
ozjiujitsu - I second the rugby head gear. Much less bulky than ear guards aswell. A black belt in Australia is known for wearing rugby head gear to protect his ears.
There's also the fact that every sports store has rugby headgear and no wrestling ear guards.