JGO, What show is that?
Some show in Jacksonville I think.
I don't think pat Assalone should be touted as a good example of Vale's top students.He hasn't done all that well in mma
Jarviskolen: Did he ever told you what vale had to say every time he got tapped by him? Like making some excuse up or statint that if it was mma he would have killed him etc. Or if he just accepted that he lost
he beat Rickson by arm bar - he is nasty.
i dont know what it is but i cant get enough bart vale stories...ive got some MMA mag with a tape series advertised from him, he looks like a flabby old derelict
Dont know about Burt Vale
but Conan is good of course hid is not top A fighter but you cant compare him to Vale.. Conan is 100 times better.
Look at his team Silveira Brothers team,American Top Team ,one on the strongest teams in USA..
And yes he lost to Mo first time and then in WEF 7 submitted Mo with side choke from mount..
Actually the loss from Mo was his first loss.
FabioVargas: He did say that the first time he tapped Bart that Bart pretty much went Gorilla on him and just started grabbing and cranking stuff. He did defend Vale and say that Vale was cool to him after that and even seemed to look forward to rolling with him to see if he could tap him. He said Bart almost tapped him once with some kind of jaw lock while he had Bart's back. If that had happened I would have messed with him to no end.
Anyway, it seems like he just chose to let Bart do his thing and learn what he could until he had the money to go elsewhere. Hope that helps.
didnt severn beat conantoo? i loved when saku did
I think he's now working as a roadie for Molly Hatchet.
Before I ever trained in grappling I considered going to Vale's school. I lived over an hour away, but would have joined if I liked the school. I made a 3:00 appointment on a Tuesday and he gave me directions on how to get there. After an hour and a half of fighting traffic I get there at 3:00. He then tells me he's busy training some cops from Naples that he can't talk to me now, to come back tommorrow. I never went back.
Conan Silveira may not be top 10, but he atleast has a win over Mo Smith and was doing well against Sakuraba and Wes Simms before he lost to them. He also beat Pat Smith into submission w/ strikes. He used to bounce at the old Kitchen club on South Beach ( a punk rock /Hardcore club) w/ his brothers. I know quite a few well known badasses and thugs that got trainwrecked by Conan and tossed out like garbage.
Anybody who would start a fight with a bouncer that was Conan is retarded.
2 fights = 2 losses in K-1 Kickboxing
Second loss to kakuda, and vale would have had
a huge size advantage against him.
SKARHEAD - You are right.
Some people are ignorant here,you dont have to beat fedor to be considered good..
I mean Conan submitted Mourice.
Was doing very well against Wess until he gassed..
And has great grappling and MMA team...of course thanks to his teammeats also not just him..
just watch Vale in WCC 96' event..the guy is a nut case...here is a question renzo gracie stomps his opponent in the throat after beating him..is this the gracie style or? and also what happened to the WCC ..World Combat Championships.
What Renzo did was hardly a stomp,more of a step.To vales credit, he did attempt several submission holds during the match,not just relying on mauling ability.The wcc folded after the peters lost a ton of money on the first one.
branco you have the fight on tape ? ur telling me renzo didnt stomp his foot on his throat ? even a step he still meant it and it was a hard step...that didnt look like a typical renzo move. p.s. peters looked lost as a promoter..cool hair lol
There's a story to the stomp, the guy deserved it. Apparently the day before or whenever, that dude said Renzo's eyes look like his girlfriend's. And he prank called Renzo's hotel room many times through out the night before.
And that guy got charged for something on his flight back to his country, he was fighting verbally with the flight attendant.
lol ok