Been a while! Spread the word!

Kevin85 -

Who are the 4 down votes? Tito, Rampage, Rashad and Randy?

Tito and his 3 alts

Slap Johnson -
Kevin85 -

Who are the 4 down votes? Tito, Rampage, Rashad and Randy?

Tito and his 3 alts


Hey Chuck, 

If someone were doing an Iceman Movie Marathon, what order would you tell them watch your movies in? Would you suggest a drinking game. 

Chuck Liddell - 
Slap Johnson -
Kevin85 -

Who are the 4 down votes? Tito, Rampage, Rashad and Randy?

Tito and his 3 alts


Wow , Chuck is up early on the best coast

DaveFu - 

Hey Chuck, 

If someone were doing an Iceman Movie Marathon, what order would you tell them watch your movies in? Would you suggest a drinking game. 

I got one. Watch bobby z first and everytime chuck tries to rape paul walker u stick  a dildo up your ass. haha cheers.

Dangerousdoug - 
DaveFu - 

Hey Chuck, 

If someone were doing an Iceman Movie Marathon, what order would you tell them watch your movies in? Would you suggest a drinking game. 

I got one. Watch bobby z first and everytime chuck tries to rape paul walker u stick  a dildo up your ass. haha cheers.

Yep, you really did buy that prostate massager. 

DaveFu - 
Dangerousdoug - 
DaveFu - 

Hey Chuck, 

If someone were doing an Iceman Movie Marathon, what order would you tell them watch your movies in? Would you suggest a drinking game. 

I got one. Watch bobby z first and everytime chuck tries to rape paul walker u stick  a dildo up your ass. haha cheers.

Yep, you really did buy that prostate massager. 

lmao haha cheers.

Chuck Liddell -

Just a heads up I'm going to be doing a bunch of contests here coming up to help raise money for charities and also chat with everyone.

I’ll post details of everything soon… Don’t miss it

Welcome back, a while is an understatement,lol! 


Siciliano - 

Yo Chuck what's up bro? It's your boy from Brooklyn. Haven't talked to you since the night before your fight with Rashad at your hotel suite in Atlanta, hanging with you and your brother. Glad you're doing good man! Hope you remember who I am and what I'm talking about otherwise I come off as a jerkoff.

HillboFrateTrane -

Why do I get the feeling this thread was the result of a 4AM coke-fueled “business plan”. 

100% nose beers.  I’m jealous.

Only reason he makes a post, his personal gain. Shits retarded. I respect him as an athlete. Don't go this low. It's a bullshit move. Fanboys eat it up. Nobody in their right mind is paying for your autograph, just UG and Sherbros. You guys are too stupid to see this will be an auction. 

TheSpookedKabuki -

Only reason he makes a post, his personal gain. Shits retarded. I respect him as an athlete. Don't go this low. It's a bullshit move. Fanboys eat it up. Nobody in their right mind is paying for your autograph, just UG and Sherbros. You guys are too stupid to see this will be an auction. 

Hey corky, he posted a new thread. Mo-ron