Been a while! Spread the word!

so fucking IN!

Chuck Liddell -

Just a heads up I'm going to be doing a bunch of contests here coming up to help raise money for charities and also chat with everyone.

I’ll post details of everything soon… Don’t miss it

Holy shit! Welcome back! 

This was at WEC Chuck & I wanted to say thanks again for the pic.

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Another old account lurker!



Oh def IN 

You have been one of my favorite fighters for years. Thank you for joining in here. 

In for the Iceman!

welcome back Chucky!!

legends never die dude!


Fuck yeah Chuck in the house. Rad.

Fuck Yeah!!!





Chuck there was some strange Brazilian man looking for you, saying he wants to fuck you.

There was just a Chack thread on the og recently, my favorite fighter and one of the legends that pulled me in to mma. WAR Chuck! In for sure

Do it

Chuck Liddell -

Just a heads up I'm going to be doing a bunch of contests here coming up to help raise money for charities and also chat with everyone.

I’ll post details of everything soon… Don’t miss it

Really? Is it uuuu????

Will go through this all tomorrow 


Chuck, years ago I was at Disneyland and saw a guy with a mohawk and goatee and thought to myself, "Look at this fuckin' guy. Thinks he's Chuck Liddell or something." But then it was actually you and I seemed to be the only person who realized. You were in line for food across from the Jungle Cruise.

That's my Chuck Liddell Disneyland story. 

The iceman!