
Health benefits include lower blood pressure, reduced risk for diabetes, boosting vitamin levels, stronger bones, stronger heart, etc.

one to two a day max.

I'm not really a drinker, just on holidays but was curious if anyone does have a drink a day and whether it's yay or nay?

I'm just another guy looking for more ways to improve

 it may lower your blood pressure initially, but alcohol consumption leads to high blood pressure.

I love beer, but there really are no redeeming qualities besides the great taste and good buzz you get from it.

i love to drink, but i agree with Art...

there might be some health benefits, but the less i drink, the leaner and more energetic i am.

red wine is prolly healthier to drink than beer. also, the helath effects from beer differ dramatically from bottles vs. cans....

 The health benefits from drinking though come from like 2 glasses of red wine per week.  Not chugging down 10 budwiesers (though this is enjoyable)

Yeah I love drinking, but lets not kid ourselves here, you are better off without.

i dont believe red wine has any more benefits than beer. the hoopla over resveratrol is pretty meaningless because you get such minute quantities of it from a glass of wine.

also, you need to distinguish between a quality beer and standard domestic shit beers which are made with all sorts of crazy shit and preservatives that isnt on the label. something like bud or miller is pretty terrible for you. a quality beer made without all the low grade corn shit and preservatives in it, unfiltered and unpasteurized, will at least provide some benefits(b vitamins from the yeast, antioxidants, etc.)

LOL no. There are much better ways to get vitamins and antioxidants than your overpriced snobbish beer. Get over it, it's still bad for you.

Oh and Rolling Rock is the best beer out there!

There are healthier sources of vitamins but if you enjoy beer, kick back and enjoy a pint. It won't make or break you (unless you drink too much).

"A recent report commissioned by the Department of Health defined any man who drinks more than 21 units of alcohol a week, or woman who consumes more than 14, as a hazardous drinker. The authors were relying on limits that have been set in stone for the past 20 years. Yet these guidelines have no basis in science. Rather, in the words of a member of the committee that drew them up, they were simply plucked out of the air."

Just to emphasise the point above, the "safe limit" advice about how much alcohol should be drunk per day was simply made up with no scientific support at all.

"Seven years earlier, in 1993, a study of 12,000 middle-aged, male doctors led by Sir Richard Doll and a team at the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, found that the lowest mortality rates - lower even than teetotallers - were among those drinking between 20 and 30 units of alcohol each week. The level of drinking that produced the same risk of death as that faced by a teetotaller was 63 units a week, or roughly a bottle of wine a day."

Tee totallers have higher mortality rates than all but the hardest of drinkers. Of course that doesn't imply direct causality, but it is informative.

"By 1994, five studies had been published which showed that moderate amounts of alcohol gave some degree of protection against heart disease. A year later, scientists at the Institute for Preventive Medicine in Copenhagen, who studied 13,000 men and women over 12 years, found that drinking more than half a bottle of wine a day - 50 units a week - cut the risk of premature death by half."


Beer is not healthy in any way, come on guys. Phone Post

 Beer tastes like shit.  Give me a pint of milk.

shadallion - Beer is not healthy in any way, come on guys. <img src="/images/phone/droid.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

There is a lot of evidence that alcohol in moderate amounts is absolutely healthy for you. In excess it can be harmful. The only real debate is at what point a healthy moderate intake becomes an unhealthy excessive intake.

Used to drink every day. Thought I was one of the lads (a work thing).

Now drink once once a month if I can motivate myself. So much better without.

Just my point of view.


having some beers right now, for the sake of science....

Is beer the problem, or is it the poor nutritional and lifestyle choices that tend to accompany it?

I might start a thread called "Supermodel quality porn stars, blow-jobs. tea-bagging and anal (pics and vids)"


ArtWanderlei -  it may lower your blood pressure initially, but alcohol consumption leads to high blood pressure.

I love beer, but there really are no redeeming qualities besides the great taste and good buzz you get from it.

It make annoying women tolerable, and makes ugly women less ugly?

gatotwopointoh - 
ArtWanderlei -  it may lower your blood pressure initially, but alcohol consumption leads to high blood pressure.

I love beer, but there really are no redeeming qualities besides the great taste and good buzz you get from it.

It make annoying women tolerable, and makes ugly women less ugly?

 While this may be true, you still feel the effects afterward. 

"Damn I shouldn't have......   She is nasty.  Fuck now she won't stop calling me!"

shadallion - Beer is not healthy in any way, come on guys. <img src="/images/phone/droid.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

There is a lot of evidence that alcohol in moderate amounts is absolutely healthy for you. In excess it can be harmful. The only real debate is at what point a healthy moderate intake becomes an unhealthy excessive intake.

Its so healthy for you that no safe amount has been determined for pregnant women......