Beginning to like this Matt Mitrione

 If he keeps this up and with his smirky grins and demeanor, this guy could become my favorite heavyweight. I wasn't too sure about the guy on TUF, thought he was kinda strange, but after seeing him fight in the UFC and watching his subsequent interviews, I look forward to seeing him fight again. Good attitude, drastatic improvement from fight-to-fight, and great sense of humor.

I still can't stand him, but there is no denying he is getting better every fight. Phone Post

War meathead! Phone Post

 ...oh and by the way his striking is getting deadly.

Agreed, I think Mitrione has a bright future in the UFC HW division. Super talented guy and great attitude. Phone Post


 I am not conviced he can hang with the big guys, but hes a likeable guy thats for sure... I didn't like him at all in TUF though.

17% beep, but I agree.

Cant hate on anyone who is making big improvements fight to fight. He came in a few pounds more than usual, but dude looked way bigger in this fight.

radiobaby - 17% beep, but I agree.

Cant hate on anyone who is making big improvements fight to fight. He came in a few pounds more than usual, but dude looked way bigger in this fight.

 Only 17%? Well, it's a start.

Juzz -  I am not conviced he can hang with the big guys, but hes a likeable guy thats for sure... I didn't like him at all in TUF though.

 I'm not quite convinced either. I wonder what will happen with a really strong wrestler or striker like Carwin, but I am eagerly anticipating finding out.

For a guy who doesn't look very athletetic he sure is, I was surprised seeing him leap up on the cage with such each. Phone Post

Not many unathletic types played for the NFL.

I'm starting to like him too even though I hated him on TUF. He's been impressing me.

 Meathead has been matched up well...

Cant help but like/respect the guy for over achieving though...

...will be a :Meathead" fan here...till I got money opposite him..then off the meat train...

I was surprised at how powerful and accurate his punches were. I also liked how he went for a diving punch failed, then tried it again.

 I like him

ohhh so your a FRONTRUNNER


i still ROFL when i think about Meathead telling Rashad he spoke with his wife before his fight on tuf. rashad-" Oh you talked to her on the phone?" "Naw, *points to head". rashad-" ohhhh" ??? LOL

aaronlynton - i still ROFL when i think about Meathead telling Rashad he spoke with his wife before his fight on tuf. rashad-" Oh you talked to her on the phone?" "Naw, *points to head". rashad-" ohhhh" ??? LOL

 My wife still ROFL's also!  It was so hard not laugh when I saw how he reacted to it.  That's why I had to look down at the ground.  It made us really happy that you just brought that up