Bellator, new Everlast glove

Any info on these gloves? Have they shown to reduce hand injuries/eyepokes? Phone Post 3.0

I didn't get to watch the card but they wore them tonight, were there lots of eye pokes? Phone Post 3.0

Were there any hand injuries or eyepokes during this card? If not, then 100% of the scientific data that we have at hand proves that they are effective.

MediumRareMistake - I didn't get to watch the card but they wore them tonight, were there lots of eye pokes? Phone Post 3.0

There actually was, the second fight of the night was stopped from an eye poke.

-Chris Birchler vs. Josh Diekman ruled a no-contest (Accidental Eye Poke)

I believe the Green/Richman fight had a poke in the 1st round. Phone Post 3.0

FETT_the geek - 
MediumRareMistake - I didn't get to watch the card but they wore them tonight, were there lots of eye pokes? Phone Post 3.0

There actually was, the second fight of the night was stopped from an eye poke.

-Chris Birchler vs. Josh Diekman ruled a no-contest (Accidental Eye Poke)

You couldn't script that better to shit on Everlast's New Glove Parade.

youarewhatiswrong - 
FETT_the geek - 
MediumRareMistake - I didn't get to watch the card but they wore them tonight, were there lots of eye pokes? Phone Post 3.0

There actually was, the second fight of the night was stopped from an eye poke.

-Chris Birchler vs. Josh Diekman ruled a no-contest (Accidental Eye Poke)

You couldn't script that better to shit on Everlast's New Glove Parade.

Pretty much

ttt Phone Post 3.0

Make men take care of their Neil's like women Phone Post

pegson123 - Make men take care of their Neil's like women Phone Post
Like Neil's Armstrong? Phone Post 3.0