Entreri - Who?
Remember, if it doesn't happen in a Zuffa, LLC sponsored event it never happened.
Entreri - Who?
jack_wilshere - Askren struggled against Hieron. It's unlikely he tools HendricksHendricks struggled against story, he doesn't deserve a titleshot either
I like Ben and hope eventually he makes it to the UFC, but jay Hieron gave him fits.
Letibleu -He has beaten guys I have never heard of:
Andrey Koreshkov, Jonah Quinlan, Karl Amoussou, Orrin Stevan, Nick Thompson, Lyman Good, Oliver Rollo, Ryan Thomas, Jasper Tolly, Ludwik Amhlaidh, Ryan Thomas...
Dry humped Lima and Hieron to a decision which is the highlight of his career...
He could have been in the UFC. He thought he was worth more than Bellator was willing to pay. He thought he was worth more than the UFC was willing to pay.
He is a sub par prime Fitch.
No way...