Best Erik Paulson seminar DVD?

I hear so much good stuff about his seminar DVD's, but he's got 3 different sets.

Has anyone seen any of them? Do any of the seminars stand out?

Egad! No answers?

I already knew that, but which one if you can only get one?

PS - Just heard Paulson got his BB from one of the Machados.

Where did you hear about Erik getting his BB?

Sorry guys...but apparently you can't discuss selling someone else's videos on You can thank a certain video producer that's been on this site for a loooong time.

Erik's been an 'unofficial' BJJ black belt for a long time now!

Yes Scott. We all know that is the truth.

"Sorry guys...but apparently you can't discuss selling someone else's videos on"

No problem, didn't know that we had reached that point.

And it's funny... because normally I like veal.

We can't discuss an Erik Paulson DV because of Paul Viele!?

Why does he exercise so much influence over this forum?

It is not discussing the DVDs that is the problem. It is discussing "selling"
tapes that is the problem. This is to prevent people selling copies, etc.

It's the old shotgun approach.

Hey, Erik has deserved a black belt for a long time. Scott, do you know if he really got an "official" black belt? Wonder who gave it to him, if so? Machados?


I'm guessing Rigan Machado as they often work together.

Apparently it is a blanket moratorium. The previously mentioned t*pes are originals. I think you can't resell, but you can market your product.... I think?

What if we just talk about how nice they are?

I have a lot of nice videos. Very, very nice.

lol @ Paul's coasters. I have the same ones!

Erik's stuff is awesome...