Best Jiu-jitsu T-Shirt expressions

What are the best T-shirt expression that you have seen, or would WANT to see on a BJJ T-shirt.

for example:

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, the pitbull of martial arts.

Scrappy Monkey, etc.etc.etc

"i like poo"

tap, nap, or snap

your choice

I saw someone a while ago (I think it was Royce) weaing one that said: "You can run, but you'll get tired. Gracie Jiu Jitsu"

I've seen a shirt with something similar to the shirt slogan Damianh just described, but it said, "You can run, but you'll just die tired". But I would have to say I'm with Macaco on this one. I like shirts with just the company logo or something like that. I really don't own anything too out there that says anything like "put up or shut up" or anything like that. Low key is good.

Oh wait I do have a cool one by TAPOUT though. On the back of the shirt is a big TAPOUT logo with a flaming face bitting the logo and at the top of the flames it says "I'll fuck you up". The letters were the flames. I thought it was clever, so I bought it.

Hey has anyone ever worn a product from TAPOUT, i.e a shirt, beanie etc etc.... and have some random person out in public ask you, 'Hey are you in that', and you respond with a, 'In what?' and then they say, ' TAPOUT, are you in TAPOUT'.
They ask me this like if I'm some kind of gang that's called TAPOUT or something. I just dont get it. Has this ever happened to any of you guys while wearing TAPOUT's products?

Heard about some TapouT gang in the 909. Don't know much about it though.

(Written upside down)

"If you can read this t-shirt, I'm winning by armbar from the guard"

This isn't a bjj shirt but its from a Canadian fightwear company, showdown fightwear, the shirt has this on the back:

"My girlfriend can't wrestle but you should see her box."

Its a good looking shirt, and pretty funny if you ask me.

"Got Jits?"

My friend has a bumper sticker that says "Got Pain? Brazilian Jiu Jitsu"

I always liked: When in doubt, choke´em out...

There's an old one with a graphic of a big BJJ player leaning over a chess board. I want one, but can't seem to find it any more.

I always thought of having a T made that said,
"I'd rather be choking."


where's the 909?

Inland Empire of california. Refferred to by outsiders at the valley of the dirt peeps.

kevin and bean listener, huh?

Team Corral out of IN:

"Chicks dig Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu guys, because they know how to finish from any position"

My friends at the Boneyard (bjj/mma fight team) have
one that always cracks me up.

The front is the Boneyard logo. The back, in large
bold black letters, reads: "F*#K YOU YOU F*#king F*#K"

They're all about the warm fuzzies.

Gotta love kevin and bean

my fav has always been the old-school Ralph Gracie:

"better to die than not train"