that's awesome. +1
For all those participating.....
Please post a pic of everyone who is on this thread so I can add them in
cr8 added
holy hell. this thread has turned into a nightmare for all of us!
How about" Hi my name is MARK and i have a relly good twister"
kteam added...
added phenom79 and edited kteam.....
Thats some funny Sh*t.... Kurano looks happily constipated!
Mr. K added....
Just noticed the "HawaiiGround 2007' - nice touch
i always type "LOL" but this is one of the very few times when i'm literally laughing my ass off out loud...
Who the fuck put my pic on here . Phenom 69 your not allowed to come to Kaneohe anymore.
ask Cary-Hiroyuki TAGAWA what line he used on his GF last night before he got arrested for Domestic Violence.
then DONT use that line.
funny how rylan's character came out looking the best. hmmmnnnnn????
think we might add this man's shiner to the batch? (pat freitas is the guy in the back?)
kteam... what, you going do the "Kikuya sweep #6 on me again! :op
My favorite one, is one Rob told me in college
Ask a girl:
Were you parents retarded.... Cause you so special (a long drawn out emphasis on the 'e')
"Your not going to puke in my car are you?"
I like the retarded one. I'm thinking this may make a funny segment on fctv. will think on this...
is always a safe one.