hi i recently added some MMA training to my grappling... was wondering if you guys had any suggestions as far as gloves for training go.
oh right i forgot no one on the ug actually trains. wheres a green namer when ya need one?
We sell alot of different types of gloves and most people prefer the Fairtex, however they are expensive. I suggest finding a store in your area where you can try on the diffferent types/styles of gloves.
thanks for the input.. yeah i wish i had a place to go try some on and look but there just isnt anywhere around me i dont think..
whats the sizing like for the most part with mma gloves?.
Get combat sports MMA training gloves.
the combat sports/www.siriusathletic.com training gloves are the same. www.siriusathletic.com hooks it up at a better price.
are you lookin for actual competition gloves or mma gloves with more padding?
hayabusa(sp?) for competition, truth (txmma.com) training gloves for training
just training for now. so more padding....
the truth gloves i directed you towards are from all indications the same as the combat sports gloves for a cheaper price, not sure as i havent used the combat sports ones myself
Combat Sports had a sale last month on their MMA Training Gloves... They were like 12 bucks each, I picked up 3 pairs. I like them so far, we'll see if they last... Im sure there has to be some flaw with them to be discounted $38 bucks. But for $12 bucks who cares, you can toss them and use another pair.
I've used the Fairtex MMA traning gloves too, they are pretty nice as well...
Kai, those are the ones I picked up (I think, they look the same). Heres the pic you linked:
Now when you are talking about MMA...are you talking about starting to mix-up your training...as in incorporating boxing/ kickboxing? or just MMA fighting...as in mixed training...if you are looking to work on your striking......a good set of Boxing Gloves are Fairtex, Windy, or Rival.....if you wanna go with mma gloves....get the ones TOWE is talking about...if you wanna get the 4 oz. to do dummy training ...combat sports has some great ones as well.
TTT for www.fightmagjohnny.com
What up buddy? Good times last month, we gotta do it again sometime soon!
Attention UG'ers!
Has anyone ever used these, thoughts/complaints?
I already have a really good pair of 16's from Ringside with the IMF, but I need to get a new pair of 12's that are JUST a hook n loop without a sleeve. The sleeve is a pain in the ass when Im by myself!
THere are some fights coming to the A town...let me know when you are in town. I'm almost into my new townhouse...you'll have a place to crash. I am planning on being at the UFC event in MAy...you going?
Good luck and CONGRATS on the new place bro.
May is going to be a busy month for me. I have Casey O's fight for PFC, Im hosting some event for MTV's Rock of Love 2 (w/ some chicks from the show or some shit LOL), Im heading to our place on the river for Memorial Weekend, etc. I might have to fly out to Kentucky in between all that, maybe I can layover one night and catch the fights with you.
Wheres my subscription nucka? haha