do we even have a good one anymore? there used to be absolute go to spots back in the day: bobby mcgee's, the point after, zebra's, ocean's, w's, etc...
so is there one that's just 10 cuts above the rest?
Honald? Meatrokket? some help here?
You missing Hamburger Marys aint cha?
sorry i just goto dive bars.
- I think that the Oceans crowd since they reopened is the suck.
- Level 4 could have been great but now blows donkey dick.
- Lotus is/was good on friday nights with the J-crowd.
- W was good. I wish that there were still promos there.
- The crowd at Pearl is a bit old for my liking. Too many coked out looking 30-40 somethings for mytaste.
- Ginza is a nice spot, although i enjoyed it more when it was Blackjack. This is the only club i go to on a regular basis. I guess it may seem popular since you either need a members card, be a drug dealer, a club whore to get in, or else pay a $30 cover.
drug dealer you say?
instead of dealer i should have classfied it under the umbrella of unsavory douchebags.
Most hooked up place was tie between HELLS and Pink Cadillac. Most phone numbers Cillys and Bobby McGees. Most times kissed total stranger girl, Rumours and old Oceans. Most times had fun with no hookups Masquerades. Most times denied anything = Point After
^^^^ got free glasses with person kicking after point = Point After
Level 4, Pearl, and Oceans for the young'ins.
i liked the RR World Cafe, then after that go row bar and spock all the old(er) people out at Oceans, then walk by zebras and laugh at the all the shenanigans going on over there.