Best site for MMA news?

In your opinion what is the best web site for MMA news? In my opinion it is ADCC's web site

I like fightsport and MMAweekly for news. Maxfighting has good commentary.

Fightsport 24-7, no doubt.

Everything happening in MMA is posted here, sometimes before anywhere else. Hell, the news even HAPPENS here! is second.

Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses so it depends on what you are looking for. Maxfighting has great columnists if that is your thing, MMA Weekly has the best interviews of American fighters and cover the West Coast and mountains pretty well, ADCC News has the best international coverage overall (note: I work for them so couldbe considered biased), has an insider's edge enough to warrant attention, Sherdog or Full Contact Fighter for the databases and all depends on your definition of "best". Do you want opinion, results and pics, breaking news, interviews...

I can't speak for the rest of ADCC News but thanks for the props from me anyway.

Keith Mills and