Best Thip/Push Kick/ in the UFC?

who's got it?

past? Semmy Schilt?

present? Anderson or Bones with the thips to the knees?

Thips & dips?

octowussy - I understand Tai is a romanticized language, but I've always seen it written and heard it pronounced "teep".



Thip is teh correct. Teep is accepted alternate. Phone Post

KneeToFaceKo - Thip is teh correct. Teep is accepted alternate. Phone Post

And I like me some Moo Tie as well. Phone Post



oh silly....

I would guess the answer is not Stuve. For a guy who is 6'11 he sure fights like he's 5'5. Hope he can fix that though because I like him.

Past would definitely be Schilt I think. Phone Post