I better do it before we play "who's wearing the silliest thing under their robe" game, because all serious discussion is lost once that game begins.

Yankee, are you mixed, white, black, etc.?

So my post didn't even personally offend you? I hate when white liberals (which I am) go around screaming racist. Comedy about difference serves to bring cultures together. Crying racism when you aren't even offended does nothing but drive a wedge inbetween people.

So now, with that being said, are you honestly telling me that video isn't funny?

I agree you don't have to be offended to be offended by racist behavior. But I think you should look at how other members of that race react to the so called racism. In this case, BET produced the video. If black people aren't offended by it, you shouldn't be offended by it.

And again, what I find funny isn't the video itself. Had that been produced by some white guy, that would have been racist. But what is funny is that BET produced it. If you don't see the humor in that, I don't know what to tell you.

"So my post didn't even personally offend you? I hate when white liberals (which I am) go around screaming racist. Comedy about difference serves to bring cultures together. Crying racism when you aren't even offended does nothing but drive a wedge inbetween people.

So now, with that being said, are you honestly telling me that video isn't funny?"

i'm 1/2 black and 1/2 white and i totally agree with you. the video didnt offend me but it was far from being funny. i wouldnt want my kids or my nephew watching it.



Yankee, I remember you. How have you been?

I agree the video isn't funny. But the fact that BET ran it is funny. And I am not saying that because BET ran it, the video itself is not offensive. I am saying the fat that BET would run it is funny.

I would find it funny if GAC (God and Country - which is white entertainment television for all intensive purposes) ran a video that said stop humping your cousin and get out of the trailer.

Things are going well man. Getting married in a month and gonna take some time off for the first time in 4 years.


I am a black man and that is a great video, classic even.

Is this actually going to happen?

Its happening already

Damn this took a 180 anyway thanks William and John for sending your info.

Snoop and Big boi in LA later on this month or 1st of next month..............

Also look for us in comming to Univision ........

Punos de Hierro..........



when and where is the LA tryout?