Better live show: UFC or Bellator?


Been to about 4 each and the UFC just has a way bigger feel to them…they only use half the arena in my town when Bellator comes…rest is curtained off


Yeah only the Best Bellator events are better than the Worst UFC Events but when both put out their Best it isn’t close UFC still the best show.

Strikeforce and Affliction events though were on par or better than many of the UFC’s I attended


UFC hands down. Been too many that I paid for and I’ve cornered Bellator many times. It’s not even close.


Been to a few Bellators and they felt like just a normal event. No special vibe.

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UFC by far. A big UFC is my favorite live sporting event.

Lately bellator and if both them and the pfl would get some new commentators I would enjoy them even that much more than the UFC. I enjoy the pfl format and new cage but randy n crew just aren’t Rogan or annik and Josh Thompson is the most irritating let me tell you what he needs to do to win type of know it all that grates on me while I watch.