biggest weekend in mma history!!!!

you guys got a website?

the website for the Academy is in the works and will be finished in May and shut-up and fight will have info on it soon as well of course,

How do we start purchasing tickets for this weekend?

All that I ask is that you put the fights on DVD for those of us who can't make it so we can see them and also support SUAF!

Great News!

I'll be there!!!


Everything for this weekend and more will be on the new academy site which will be up in May and will also be available on

We will be bashing noggins in the Okanogan in the beginning of May. Once we have all the logistics taken care of announcements will be made about tickets, packages etc.

Heh heh heh ... Mike said "packages." Heh heh heh...nevermind...


Dougie = Funny!

good luck guys, call me usin PG if you need any help.

My old lady can supply you with proper insurance if you need.

Jason, call me and let me know what Eric said.