Bill Burr on UFC 168, 175 & Boxing vs MMA

bilbo faggins breaks down ufc 168 - the leg break, browne's elbows, barnett's physique, ronda not shaking meisha's hand

ol' billy blue balls on 175 & boxing vs mma

Ha. Just finished listening to yesterday's. Phone Post 3.0

Thanks - good shit.

Was that the one where he called Barnett, whose name he did not know, the "murderous lumberjack"? Phone Post 3.0

Ray Cappa - Was that the one where he called Barnett, whose name he did not know, the "murderous lumberjack"? Phone Post 3.0


I was dying of laughter with that lol

And Bill showed his ignorance of fighting (though he readily admitted he had had no clue what he was talking about) on the MMA fighter vs boxer spiel... There's only one winner in that match and it's not the boxer, almost ever. 

John M -
Ray Cappa - Was that the one where he called Barnett, whose name he did not know, the "murderous lumberjack"? Phone Post 3.0


I was dying of laughter with that lol

And Bill showed his ignorance of fighting (though he readily admitted he had had no clue what he was talking about) on the MMA fighter vs boxer spiel... There's only one winner in that match and it's not the boxer, almost ever. 

Depends.. He just listed when a 2 time UFC champ was knocked out by an old boxer in 8 seconds.

If the fight takes place in a arena like the UFC where the MMA fighter knows the other guy is a boxer of course he has the advantage.

If it takes place outside of a bar on a Friday night, the boxer has the advantage.

I don't care if you are Chuck Liddell, there is a high chance fight with any good boxer against an MMA fighter will be over before he knows he is outmatched on the feet. Phone Post 3.0