beat Matt Hammils ass tonight had Matt fought him in this way!!!
but he wont.
stop trolling
Aint trolling when its true.
u will see.
Different type of fight, wrestling will play a huge roll and matt will come out the winner
Having seen all of the LHWs fight, Bisping looks like the most talented.
trolling ???
Go away you fool !!
I look amazing today, jst for the record
i like bisping best
I agree with original post but I don't think Matt would fight Bisbing the same way.
killerB --- Thats the point Im trying to make.
As far as Im concerned Matts already inside Bispings head from training.
Agreed Mouth
All fights start on the feet... hard not to favor Bisping when poor little molassess-fisted no defense Matt has to go to the hospital after a fight with a d-level striker. A guy like Bisping could put him in the ground.
Matt will take Bisping down at will.
I cut my hair dickcheese, flock of seagulls no longer applies
oh and Bisping wont sub matt.
Bisping would blast Matt if he tried to stand with him.
He wont.
He will take him down, hold him there, and beat on his face.
Didn't Nichols beat Noah right before the show started.
So now we have Jesse, who got beat by Noah, who got beat by Mike, who got beat by Matt, in the semi-finals...
"would have, WOULD HAVE; not would of. "
This is exactly what I was thinking when I was reading the "99.9% of you idiots on here" thread.
It absolutely drives me crazy!
alot of you would of cared less. but reading that thread was so fun. i hope you get too read it too.