Skiing in the jungle, riding a motorcycle on the ocean. Yeah...
I'll watch it because I like big,dumb, fun movies.
Actually looking forward to Bisping on film. I think he has the potential to have the best screen presence of any of the MMA guys(and women) who have made the jump. We'll see.
Those fake Tattoo's are terrible
Love Bisping getting movie love but idk bout this movie, Vin Diesel getting too old for these type of movies. Starting to think Tom Cruise is immortal or something he just doesn't age
TheHebrewHammer - Looks stupid as fuck..
For sure would watch though

Where you at Calpokid?!
LOL, hasn't Hollywood learned anything from the Point Break remake!
Lmao at "kick some ass and try to look dope doing it"
another overlooked photoshop
gotta look at the fine details
ranier wolfcastle -I laugh a little bit more each time I see this

Bisping could be a good actor I think
I'd like to see him in a rock n rolla/snatch type film.
Someonestolemysocks - Bisping could be a good actor I thinkHe's already created a fine body of work.
I'd like to see him in a rock n rolla/snatch type film.