Bisping losing, best thing for him?

Hear me out here.

Bisping is resilient and has proven he can work his way back from a big loss into title shot contention.

He is only going to ever get one shot at a title (if he's lucky)

Had he beat vitor, Anderson destroys him 100 out of 100 times.

If mike can work his way back and get a title shot, one would think that by that time Anderson will have retired or moved on to bigger challenges.

Bisping will atleast have some sort of chance of becoming a world champion no matter how slim because whoever sits on Andersons throne at that time will not be as good as anderson is right now. Phone Post

Chaelismyhero - No. Getting kicked in the head by a kick is never a good thing.

Can you get kicked in the head by something other than a leg?

I agree with you tho. Phone Post

Ep32nv -
Chaelismyhero - No. Getting kicked in the head by a kick is never a good thing.

Can you get kicked in the head by something other than a leg?

I agree with you tho. Phone Post

Dammit I meant kicked in the head by a kick. Phone Post

Nope. Phone Post

I actually had a similar thought right on the heels of the fight.

"Welp, at least he avoided getting clownshoed by silva.." Phone Post