Bisping responds to kid's loss prediction troll

DisIsDeRiddumOfDeNite - I find Jay and Dan Canadian as fuck (I'm Canadian). I can't even begin to imagine how Americans feel about them lol Phone Post 3.0

It's nice when places and people retain their authentic culture to some extent.

The internet as great as it is, can be a driving force into a singular or bandwagon thought process at times.

calpolkid - He's six so idk why this is a story Phone Post 3.0

It's just a BS clickbait title to get views. Don't be upset though, that whole video with your dad was gold and I would have missed it without the title!

CRE - All I know is Rockhold strikes me as overconfident and caught up in himself. Cheers to a Bisping win.

He was way too caught up in himself

Mike came out firing on all cylinders.

god damn

That kid better keep righting off his Dad. Phone Post 3.0

That kid is like a mini Cre

Non N00B - 

That kid is like a mini Cre


A trilogy between The Count and Smug is probably the most interesting fight to make at 185lbs. They both talk mad shit. They both finished each other. It could be an interesting few months build up. Phone Post 3.0